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Not walking back to the cart to grab the right club?
Gregory Schessler
Professional Champion
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So I have a question. What do you do when you don't have the right club for the shot required? Do you go back to the cart and grab the right one or do you play with the one you got?

Heres a perfect exampled. I hit my ball into the green side bunker. We drove up to the green, I grabbed my 56 degree wedge and putter. I duffed it out of the trap into the rough short of the green. After a few choice word, the next shot really required a little bump and run little 9iron. Of course, instead of taking the time to go back to the crart grab the 9i, I decided to use my 56. Just leaning it forward a bit to deloft the face. Result, 15ft short of the cup.

How often do we do this? I mean its a no win situation...especially if you hit a crummy shot with the club you do go back to get.

Any thoughts?
# 1    7/4/2011 11:09:39 PM   
If I were in a scenario like that I'd just use the clubs I've got with me. I'm sure a walk back to the cart with 3 other guys on a day where groups are behind me is not a good feeling. If I was a single and had some distance between myself and the group behind I would go back and get the other club.

Professional Champion
# 2    7/4/2011 11:35:14 PM   
It depend on how competitive the round is for me.

Robert Premeaux Jr.
Professional Champion
# 3    7/4/2011 11:52:19 PM   
I ALWAYS go back, but I also typically take as many as 4-5 clubs with me to keep from having to go back.

I used to do the stupidest things because I was too stubborn to go back ... hitting chip shots with my 60-degree wedge or something equally stupid. I stopped doing that about 2 years ago, and I refuse to hit a shot with a club I know is the wrong club. I paid too much money for all those clubs not to be hitting the proper ones.

Professional Champion
# 4    7/4/2011 11:55:39 PM   
This is one of many reasons why I hate taking carts. Anyway, back to your question. Like you, I learned this this lesson hard way. So, for me, I just take a bunch of clubs for any uncertain situation near the green (or any situation on the hole where I'm not close to the golf cart). I won't think twice about it- I'll just grab 9-iron through 60 degree wedge, plus the putter, without even thinking about it when I'm near the green and not sure how things are going to play out.

It's just a lot easier to prevent this situation from happening again by taking all the clubs you might need to use with you.

Professional Champion
# 5    7/5/2011 6:39:47 AM   
Just happened to me this Friday; green side running away from me; flopped it out nice with my 60 degree but it slid by the hole and rolled to other side of the green into the collar which was thick.....I did go back to the cart; while I was doing that everyone else putted out; came back; chipped it to 6 inches and got my bogey and we moved on not taking much more time than normal......I know if I just used the 60 degree it would of ended up a double bogey or worse....

# 6    7/5/2011 7:21:11 AM   
In the past I have done both. Used what I had available and gone back to get the right club. It just depended on wether or not we were being pushed or not. NOW to prevent them situations I always carry a 9-I, 56*, 60* (for sand) and my putter with me. Can never really tell what kind of situation you are in until you get to your ball.

Professional Champion
# 7    7/5/2011 8:20:25 AM   
I rarely take carts, so all my clubs are with me at all times...but the times when I DO take a cart, I ALWAYS take a few clubs out of the bag, especially on greenside shots. Always a putter, of course, and then a small assortment of wedges and irons so that I'll have the correct club for the shot without having to make the trip back. Usually I'll have putter-SW-PW-8 iron.

# 8    7/26/2011 5:50:26 PM   
I just got onto Joe about this the other day - he hit a shot, it didn't turn out how he wanted but he didn't want to go to the cart and get the club he needed so used the same one again and tried to lay off a little - it didn't turn out well! Take the time to get the club you need unless you are positive you can manipulate your clubs for what you need.

Steve Bigtazz Rayburn
Professional Champion
# 9    7/26/2011 6:46:45 PM   
I'd hit what I had with me.
True it can cost you strokes by not having the right club, but unless your playing for something ie money or tourny then eat it and play what you have in your hand.

I played a par 4 once and had to use my approach club (4 iron) on 2,3 and 4th shot, then used it to putt in the 1 footer to bogey it. I was to far to walk back to the cart and my playing partner was a lefty and never came to my side of the course lol
(quite playing with lefties) haha

Mark Simmons
# 10    7/27/2011 12:11:31 AM   
Been there like so many of you. Like John, it depends on how competitive the round. Like Goynes and ByeByeBirdie, it's one reason I play mostly carrying my clubs. But it happened to me tonight.

Social round. Carts required. Ball behind the green where you couldn't see it. Grabbed my sand wedge and putter only to find my ball unexpectedly and squarely behind a tree (think oversize Christmas tree). Could only go under the lowest limbs, which required me to hit the ball with my hands nearly three feet in front of the ball. Talk about leaning the club forward!

Clearly I would have gone back if it was a competitive round. (At least I'd like to think so.)

Matthew Holt
Professional Champion
# 11    7/27/2011 2:02:09 AM   
I walk 99% of the time. And since I decided to do that, I never lose a club! Its a win/win for this guy!!

# 12    7/27/2011 7:28:18 AM   
I typically walk so this is nto a problem...but when I go to South Carolina they make you ride and onb days when it is cart parth only (SUCKS by the way) I make sure I put my clubs in a carry bag so when I go to my ball I have all my clubs.