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Tiger Woods vs John Daly
Professional Champion
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Why do people love John Daly and hate Tiger Woods?
# 1    11/10/2011 10:12:41 PM   
Why do people hate John Daly and love Tiger Woods?

The reason why I like John and don't like Tiger is personally because Tiger was perfect at everything in golf prior to 2009. John was a screwup. Simply it was a matter of feeling sorry for John and wanting him to get redemption and prove that no one should ever give up.

Professional Champion
# 2    11/10/2011 10:22:50 PM   

Why do people hate John Daly and love Tiger Woods?

The reason why I like John and don't like Tiger is personally because Tiger was perfect at everything in golf prior to 2009. John was a screwup. Simply it was a matter of feeling sorry for John and wanting him to get redemption and prove that no one should ever give up.

So you feel sorry for someone who was the most talented golfer of our time because he choose to waste his talent, be a drunk, beat-up women, and not do anything to change his way. So that's why you want to pull for him. John Daly is STILL a screwup.

Professional Champion
# 3    11/10/2011 10:33:00 PM   
People accept John for the way he acts because he has always been that way. He is the guy that everyone wants to drink with and he is the guy that hits his drives off of the top of a beer can during his ProAm rounds. Tiger on the other hand was always considered "perfect". Kept his personal life away from the media and lived a so-called flawless life. Atleast until 2009. Now everyone knows that he is not perfect and they are seeing the flawed life that he kept hidden from everyone.

# 4    11/10/2011 10:35:13 PM   
I,Like John Daly..He is who He is!... I,Love Tiger Woods..He is Who He is!

Professional Champion
# 5    11/10/2011 11:26:10 PM   

People accept John for the way he acts because he has always been that way. He is the guy that everyone wants to drink with and he is the guy that hits his drives off of the top of a beer can during his ProAm rounds. Tiger on the other hand was always considered "perfect". Kept his personal life away from the media and lived a so-called flawless life. Atleast until 2009. Now everyone knows that he is not perfect and they are seeing the flawed life that he kept hidden from everyone.

Is that a reason for the hatred I hear about him? I was suprised but I realize that he is just a person.

Nikhil Nayak
Professional Champion
# 6    11/11/2011 3:11:54 AM   

Great question John! Somethings just make you go hmmmm ...

Professional Champion
# 7    11/11/2011 3:47:01 AM   
Your premise presumes that there are no people who "hate" Daly and none who "love" Woods. I think you have it backwards. There are far more people who "love" Woods than Daly. What is Tiger's net worth? Daly's? If people "hated" Woods, no corporation in their right mind would be paying him close to $100,000,000 a year to endorse their products. Daly, on the other hand, is forced to wear clothes designed for Halloween and drive a motor home to Tour stops peddling T-shirts to make a living.

But enough of us giving our opinion, John. Why don't you tell us why you believe everyone "hates" poor Tiger" and "loves" Daly.

# 8    11/11/2011 7:58:39 AM   
Daly is not forced to do anything, those are called CHOICES! As is his and Tigers BEHAVIOR!

Your premise presumes that there are no people who "hate" Daly and none who "love" Woods. I think you have it backwards. There are far more people who "love" Woods than Daly. What is Tiger's net worth? Daly's? If people "hated" Woods, no corporation in their right mind would be paying him close to $100,000,000 a year to endorse their products. Daly, on the other hand, is forced to wear clothes designed for Halloween and drive a motor home to Tour stops peddling T-shirts to make a living.

But enough of us giving our opinion, John. Why don't you tell us why you believe everyone "hates" poor Tiger" and "loves" Daly.

Professional Champion
# 9    11/11/2011 8:36:39 AM   
Would the phrase "reduced to" be more palatable to you than "forced to"? Some things are intended to be taken figuratively, not literally. Obviously you have difficulty discerning the difference.

# 10    11/11/2011 8:47:17 AM   
Just making my point that their behaviors are choices, no matter how bad the are. Too many people in todays society render people as victims and do not hold them responsible for decisions that are made between the ears on a daily basis.

Would the phrase "reduced to" be more palatable to you than "forced to"? Some things are intended to be taken figuratively, not literally. Obviously you have difficulty discerning the difference.

# 11    11/11/2011 8:50:18 AM   

People accept John for the way he acts because he has always been that way. He is the guy that everyone wants to drink with and he is the guy that hits his drives off of the top of a beer can during his ProAm rounds. Tiger on the other hand was always considered "perfect". Kept his personal life away from the media and lived a so-called flawless life. Atleast until 2009. Now everyone knows that he is not perfect and they are seeing the flawed life that he kept hidden from everyone.

Is that a reason for the hatred I hear about him? I was suprised but I realize that he is just a person.

Could you give us some examples of all this hatred you say you hear about Tiger Woods? And how about this love you think exists for Daly?

One thing is certain, though: John would sit down and have a beer with you. Think Tiger would?

Daly is an alcoholic of course he would have a beer with you. Do you think Jack NIcklaus would sit down with you to have a beer? Or how about years ago...Ben Hogan?

Professional Champion
# 12    11/11/2011 9:04:58 AM   
PISC, you are exactly right about that.

Professional Champion
# 13    11/11/2011 9:09:30 AM   
Lewis, you may substitute a Root Beer, V-8, or decaffinated coffee if you wish. But don't make believe you don't get the point. You're smarter than that. And the answer to your question is maybe, and definitely not.

Robert Premeaux Jr.
Professional Champion
# 14    11/13/2011 12:12:43 AM   
Because they're white.

# 15    11/13/2011 7:56:15 AM   
i like em both.. they are good for Pro golf. Golf is made up of personalities as well as a good game. Both are FREAKISHLEY good golfers. (as is anyone playing on tour . I can not how good both or all of these guys are. i dont care if your ranked 300th in the world.. YOUR FREAKY good at a game MILLIONS are trying to Master. when i think of these guys i just wonder how the *F* do they do it? Its simply Sick how these guys are capable of shooting in the mid to low 60's on any day out.. Ya.. they melt down sometimes (human) I DO TOO>. They shoot a 75 or pull a ball or two out and Folks just Dump all over them ... Folks like me that MELT down in some way or another EVERY TIME OUT !!!!!!! yet we are so quick to call them CHOKERS or WASHED UP or Hacks!
for me reguards to Tiger.. i just get stick of the TIGER TIGER TIGER! tiger all the time.. tiger this .. tiger that.. But at the same time we are watching most likely the best golfer to play the game to this date.. its just reality.
As for Daly. I remember watching Big John come out and just Do amaizing things ... HE BLEW FELLOW PRO"S MINDS with the things he could pull off.. the always mention his natural abuility to do things others wouldnt think of trying to pull off... Ya.. when you live by the sword you die by it but there is a reason he will try to pull off agressive play... I think if there is anyone Playing pro golf that can Shatter a Course Record or do something in a round of golf that is considered IMPOSSIBLE i would say even today its JD.. if i had to pick someone to break 50 it would be He... if you know what i mean by that.
I WANT TO SEE HIM WIN AGAIN! just like i want to see Tom Watson Win another Britsh.. Just would love to see. it..
TWO HUGE NAMES IN THE GAME OF GOLF THAT I LOVE to see in contention on sunday mixed in with the rest of the FREAKS that can hit that stinkin little white ball like the rest of the world watching can only dream of.

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