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Putting drill
Professional Champion
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Here's a drill to try to see it this technique works for

Step 1: When you're on the practice green drop 3
balls 10 feet from the cup, 3 more out at 20 feet, 3
more at 30 feet, 40 feet, and 50 feet.

Step 2: From to 10 foot mark you'll want to putt the
first ball as you normally do with your eyes open.

Step 3: Line up the second putt using your normal
pre-putting routine with your eyes still open, then
close your eyes just before you make your putting

Pay attention to the the feel of the putter head when
you make your stroke and try to make the stroke you
made with your eyes open to roll the ball the same

Step 4: With the 3rd ball from 10 feet do the same as
you did in step 3 closing your eye just before you
make your stroke and try to copy the same stroke as
you did with your eye open to roll the ball the same

Now just repeat this routine with the balls at eh 30, 40,
and 50 foot distances.

Using this drill will help you get a better feel for how
far you need to make your stroke out on the greens
with out having too much going on in your mind.