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3 woods
Professional Champion
200 Views    94 Replies    2 Likes   I like it!
Ask yourself...what is a 3 wood really for?

It seems every year, just like drivers (though maybe not quite as much), club companies tout greater distance with their 3 woods. But what is the point?

I have always viewed the 3 wood as a position club. Something you use when you want to stay SHORT of something, like that pond over there, and keep the ball in play. A longer-hitting 3 wood kinda negates that, doesn't it? If I want more distance, I reach for the driver. Simple!

Maybe a longer 3 wood is helpful for getting on short par 5s and long par 4s if you have trouble with that. But if you're finding yourself having to hit a bunch of 3 woods into par 4s, you really might be playing the wrong tees. If you truly think going for more par 5s in two is going to dramatically lower your score, then more power to you! I for one don't want to give up the benefits of the 3 wood as a position club to get more distance.

# 91    7/5/2013 6:01:45 PM   
Larry, you've kind of hit rock bottom if Goynes is calling you out. Its time for some kind of web poster anonymous group. I have defended your right to stay on this site and write whatever you choose to write, but going after Goynes is like pulling the beard off of Santa Claus. I can get getting into a word fight with about a dozen different guys on this site...Mike, To the top, myself, Mikey, CoGolfer...all of these people come with strong opinions and walk the line defending them, but Goynes doesn't get in verbal battles, and he never sinks to a below the belt fight...and yet you have somehow upset him.

I support your right but disagree with 95% of the stuff you spew out there. Picking fights with Goynes is the wrong battle.

I try to live by this advice...
Don't give swing advice to people who could beat you on the course.

You kind of remind me of a buddy of mine. There we were on the 10th tee box and just as I am about to swing hr says, "Let me give you some swing advice."

At the time I was even par or one under and he was somewhere around +7 to +8. Don't be that guy. Have I posted stuff that I thought would be helpful for golfers. Yes, but it was never intended for the Goynes', Tothetops, and Jay's out there. It was always something small that might help the bogey golfer.

Go that route and do so with some humility and perhaps you will receive some gratitude. Don't claim there is one way...the game has been played since the 1400's and I assure you that there is no such thing as one way to achieve success in golf.

Professional Champion
# 92    7/5/2013 6:08:07 PM   

Larry, you've kind of hit rock bottom if Goynes is calling you out. Its time for some kind of web poster anonymous group. I have defended your right to stay on this site and write whatever you choose to write, but going after Goynes is like pulling the beard off of Santa Claus. I can get getting into a word fight with about a dozen different guys on this site...Mike, To the top, myself, Mikey, CoGolfer...all of these people come with strong opinions and walk the line defending them, but Goynes doesn't get in verbal battles, and he never sinks to a below the belt fight...and yet you have somehow upset him.

I support your right but disagree with 95% of the stuff you spew out there. Picking fights with Goynes is the wrong battle.

I try to live by this advice...
Don't give swing advice to people who could beat you on the course.

You kind of remind me of a buddy of mine. There we were on the 10th tee box and just as I am about to swing hr says, "Let me give you some swing advice."

At the time I was even par or one under and he was somewhere around +7 to +8. Don't be that guy. Have I posted stuff that I thought would be helpful for golfers. Yes, but it was never intended for the Goynes', Tothetops, and Jay's out there. It was always something small that might help the bogey golfer.

Go that route and do so with some humility and perhaps you will receive some gratitude. Don't claim there is one way...the game has been played since the 1400's and I assure you that there is no such thing as one way to achieve success in golf.

Until yesterday I hadn't noticed any name here. I don't care about personalities. But the VICIOUS personal attacks got my attention. I hate cliques, they are a band of cowards. Cocker Spaniels becoming vicious when in a pack. Whew!


Professional Champion
# 93    7/5/2013 6:13:36 PM   

Larry, you've kind of hit rock bottom if Goynes is calling you out. Its time for some kind of web poster anonymous group. I have defended your right to stay on this site and write whatever you choose to write, but going after Goynes is like pulling the beard off of Santa Claus. I can get getting into a word fight with about a dozen different guys on this site...Mike, To the top, myself, Mikey, CoGolfer...all of these people come with strong opinions and walk the line defending them, but Goynes doesn't get in verbal battles, and he never sinks to a below the belt fight...and yet you have somehow upset him.

I support your right but disagree with 95% of the stuff you spew out there. Picking fights with Goynes is the wrong battle.

I try to live by this advice...
Don't give swing advice to people who could beat you on the course.

You kind of remind me of a buddy of mine. There we were on the 10th tee box and just as I am about to swing hr says, "Let me give you some swing advice."

At the time I was even par or one under and he was somewhere around +7 to +8. Don't be that guy. Have I posted stuff that I thought would be helpful for golfers. Yes, but it was never intended for the Goynes', Tothetops, and Jay's out there. It was always something small that might help the bogey golfer.

Go that route and do so with some humility and perhaps you will receive some gratitude. Don't claim there is one way...the game has been played since the 1400's and I assure you that there is no such thing as one way to achieve success in golf.

Until yesterday I hadn't noticed any name here. I don't care about personalities. But the VICIOUS personal attacks got my attention. I hate cliques, they are a band of cowards. Cocker Spaniels becoming vicious when in a pack. Whew!


And as I have personally stated many times already (which you are ignoring) There is no clique here... You are personally attacking a lot of people here

That is all

Professional Champion
# 94    7/5/2013 8:29:59 PM   
#82, great post Goynes. Larry truly has reached a bad level in his posts.
Also thank you for restarting this subject, it is a great one

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