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After a couple of horrible rounds this last couple of days, I got to thinking, what happened to the consistency I once had in my game. It once was that I could go to the course and almost tell you what I would shoot. Today my game is all over the map. It kills me that I never know what game I am going to show up with. So I am thinking ,how consistant is the average golfer out there today. This season I have shot a low of 79 and a high of 96, thats a 17 shot spread. What's your spread for this season. Who's got the most consistant game out there.
# 16    8/30/2012 2:39:07 PM   
I turned in my best round ever this year, 73, wish I could do that even a little more often! I am usually between 77 and 81, pretty consistent. Sometimes it'll go up to mid 80's, but that's when everything is going wrong. I've gotten better at understanding stengths and weakness during the round, if my putting isn't working I get more aggresive to the pins, if driver is spraying (which is very rare) i'll either hit 3w, or go w/ comfortable shot w/ driver (small cut), if short irons distance and line are all over the place, i'll club down change the ball flight a bit, and compensate. There's usually something that isn't clicking, so every round I get to focus on something different! That's where I'd like to build consistency, just have all facets on an even keel!

Professional Champion
# 17    8/30/2012 2:46:22 PM   
for the most part consistency is directly related to how often you are playing as well as practicing. if you arent' working to get better at the game you can't expect to get consistent. most practice time should be spent developing repeatable habits which is what leads to consistency. if you never practice, it's tough to get consistent. the more you practice and play the more you learn what you are good at and what you are weak at. you develop a confidence in your skills and learn when to go for it, and when to be more conservative. one thing that is often overlooked is that even if you play the same course all the time, the wind blows differently, the air temp is different, the turfs firmness changes, the pins are located in new spots. all of these things contribute to this game being incredibly difficult

Mark Simmons
# 18    8/31/2012 12:11:07 AM   
Both trains would reach the station at the same time because as the tide rises so does the boat..:)
(sorry-couldn't resist!!)

Dang I got a headache. What was the question?

Hey buds, be glad I didn't try to explain the formula for standard deviation.

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