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not your ball?
Professional Champion
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what comes over people when they get on a golf course and start picking up things that aren't theirs. i for one do not pick up a ball if its not mine,never have and never will. i mark my orbs and if it doesn't have my mark on it i move on till i find mine. how about you guys, does this problem tick you off or are you one of "them"
# 1    4/30/2011 8:21:17 PM   
I never pick up a ball unless it's mine. Hate it when people look to see if a ball I hit a little astray is theirs. People should always look back at the tee box or at a hole near the one they're playing to see if anyone is playing from there.

Professional Champion
# 2    4/30/2011 8:33:30 PM   
I had a guy and his wife wanting to fight me when they rode over to my ball and insisted that it was one of theirs. I was hitting a Titelist NXT Tour that I had been playing for almost three rounds and he was hitting a brand new "rock- flight" that he had just put into play. They sat right over me the entire time I hit my ball then got an attitude. They didnt like it too much when I showed them their ball about 50 yards back towards their tee box. Come to think about it, I think someone picked that same ball up the next round I played with it.

The only times I pick another ball is if it is in the woods or if I know I am the only golfer close to this location on the course.

# 3    4/30/2011 8:35:28 PM   
I,never pick up someones else Golf Ball,that's just Rude! and I,never have a problem with someone picking my golf ball up,it's Pink or has a marking it reads: HIGHLANDER WAS HERE!

Professional Champion
# 4    4/30/2011 8:40:43 PM   
Nice...I need to start putting unique markings on my golf balls. It would make it easier when someone thinks your ball is theirs. I usually just put a few marks on mine, but that is common. I need to get a little crazy with it.

Professional Champion
# 5    4/30/2011 8:54:09 PM   
I hit a ball onto a green one time and out of no wear this lady grabs it as we are walking up. I go hey you took my ball and she says something like "oh i didn't know anyone was playing this hole" I say yeah usually balls just appear out of thin air, she tossed it back and stormed away. Idiot.

David Beaulieu
Professional Champion
# 6    4/30/2011 10:42:01 PM   
personalize balls. people do not pay attention. a guy hit my ball i knew he did so i drove to the green and took it back.he said hey that's my ball i said you are big killa where is your tattoo that matches like mine. he had nothing to say.dick

David Beaulieu
Professional Champion
# 7    4/30/2011 10:49:26 PM   
personalized balls

Robert Premeaux Jr.
Professional Champion
# 8    4/30/2011 11:45:23 PM   
it amuses more than angers ...

i understand the desire to pick up a golf ball. i find golf balls all the time and help myself when the course is empty and the discovered ball is clearly not in play.

but when there's anybody around AND the golf ball is obviously marked, then you only prove yourself a fool for even touching the ball. i have people pick mine up 2-3 times a year, and they realize what idiots they are when i ask for the ball back by saying: "it's the one with the BIG BLUE MARKS on it" ... morons

i try not to let it bother me, though ... the world's full of idiots. no reason to get upset over it, for it's definitely not going to change.

Tim B
# 9    5/1/2011 12:40:11 AM   
I have had people pick up my ball once or twice and yes I gets on my nerves almost as bad as flat out rude people who have zero respecto for the game.

The only time I will pick up a ball is if I am searching for my ball in some very tall grass on the other side of the fairway that is going the other direciton I am. I may also do it if there is just nobody around. If there is just nobody around then whats the harm? I NEVER pick up a ball in the rough between two fairways.

# 10    5/1/2011 8:17:34 AM   
It is annoying whenever someone picks up a ball that they shouldn't. If you are playing at the height of activity, you shouldn't pick up a ball that you haven't clearly marked and can identify as yours.

I was playing at Jersey Meadows, here in Houston, a few years back and saw a guy in the group in front of us, on a par five, pick up a ball hit by one of the guys in our group. The ball was in the rough just outside of the fairway. The guy that hit the ball apparently saw him pick it up, drove up and pointedly asked him if he picked up his ball. They guy sheepishly said: "oh, sorry" and handed it back. On the a subsequent hole, same guy hits his drive into the fairway of the group with the guy that had picked up his ball the first time (parallel holes, opposite directions). The SAME GUY that picked up and pocketed his ball the first time, does it again! The guy that hit the ball comes up to the guy again and loudly asked him: "did you pick my ball up again?" The guy again apologized and gave his ball back. The guy that hit the ball went ballistic and screamed at him: "KEEP YOUR F******ING HANDS OFF ALL THE BALLS. IF THEY AREN'T YOURS, LEAVE THEM ALONE OR THE NEXT TIME I',M GOING TO BREAK YOUR F*****ING HANDS." I thought sure there were going to be blows. I had to walk away to laugh.

I have picked up the odd ball, but I generally don't pick up loose balls. I have had days when I have lost so many balls that I actively start looking for balls for fear of running out. I usually only carry six balls in my bag. I rarely lose one and mostly wear them out. My wife, on the other hand, carries at least 3-dozen in her bag, virtually all of them are my old balls that I save in bags in the closet exactly for that purpose.

Some people just don't understand that someone two fairways over might have hit that ball and will be over shortly to look for it. Oh well. That's golf.

# 11    5/1/2011 11:28:15 AM   
its funny how folks will pick them up without even looking around first.
even if you push one off to the next fairway all the need to do is look around for a min and they will see you humping your way over there.
its wierd how when i see another golfer anywhere near my ball i make like tripple time in that direction. You can almost tell who is going to pick it up or even play it without looking at it first.. wierd how protective we are.. but i try so hard to get threw a round without a penalty and to have to head back to the tee after a lost ball is something that many honest and true golfers do! taking someones ball from play may take away the best round of there entire life.
some folks dont think.. the ones who take there medicine and strokes when they lose a ball in the middle of the fairway arent the guys who pick up a stray ball that may be still in play.. the guys who pick them up do not have respect for the rules of the game.. if they lose theres they just drop another. they dont head back to the tee box . they dont even take strokes half the time. You have two dif games out there and the players enjoying there day and playing with the boys to get out of the house often forget that many work all week and enjoy the opportunity to play a great or memorable round! or even a great hole! stop robbing folks of there day! taking a double bogie or tripple on a par 5 after a lost ball when you know someone pocketed that thing is crap!!!!!!!!!!! if you play there ball after they hit yours 200 yards away look at the penalty.. sad .. but accidents can happen. sometimes..
You shouldnt hafta run like a dog after your ball when you see a member of another group in the aria that it landed! you shouldnt hafta feal threatend.. its sad is what it is... takes you completly out of your rythem and game even if they leave it alone.

Professional Champion
# 12    5/1/2011 10:19:24 PM   
A wise man once said "Never pick up a lost ball if it is still rolling"

In water or in the woods are where I pick up a lost ball, if it is a good brand! :)

# 13    5/2/2011 11:45:25 AM   
I pick up golf balls in two situations:

- when I find it on the hole I'm playing and no one is playing the parallel hole adjacent to us on either side
- when I find it in or near the woods of the hole I'm playing and there is no adjacent hole

When in doubt leave it.

# 14    5/3/2011 4:48:46 PM   
If you think it's hard to meet new people, try picking up the wrong golf ball. ~ Jack Lemmon

Jacob Guthrie
Professional Champion
# 15    2/5/2012 1:01:59 AM   
I usually only pick up balls from the tall stuff that have obviously been there awhile or no other holes are close. Something that cracks me up is every now and then at my course I'll pull up to my shot and see a random ball laying in my fairway, look around see no one proceed to play through the hole look back and it still be back there. People leave balls at my course all the time, find them in the bunkers constantly.

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