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Professional Champion
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what kind of putter do you use-blade,traditional,mallet- and what shaft-standard,belly,long- and why, besides it gives you the best chance to hole a putt. I have used a traditional putter since I've started playing, a Ping Ally 2, its old probably 15 years. I'm thinking about switching to a mallet since I heard it gives you better control.any thoughts?
Professional Champion
# 1    1/21/2011 11:12:35 AM   
I use a few different styles, depending on what mood I'm in. One thing that NEVER varies is that they are all heel-shafted. I can't stand looking at a center-shafted putter. Also, ONE ALIGNMENT LINE, or none at all! All these putters that have crazy "alignment" graphics just confuse the eye. Give me a simple design that's easy to put down perpendicular to the line of the putt. Check out Geoff Mangum's PuttingZone for more info on this.

I have an old MacGregor Ironmaster blade, which is probably 40 years old now. I use it on very fast greens because it is light and I feel like I have more "touch" with it. Right now my courses' greens run about 13 on the stimp (not joking...they cut our Bermuda a little too short just before it went dormant and now we're paying the price!). So that blade stays in the bag right now.

I also have an Odyssey XG9 mallet (like Phil Mickelson's) that I like. It's really more of a blade with an extended flange, rather than a true mallet. Anyway, I do like the feel of it on short feels more like I can just bash it right into the hole rather than "finesse" it in there. But in all honesty, there's really no concrete physical evidence to support that, it's all a mental thing. What IS noticeable is that the ball jumps off the face much hotter, so it's hard to use on fast greens.

For most purposes, I like an Anser-style putter. I have a Yes Callie, which is basically that. It gives me a good combination of touch and "hit." Little more weight behind the ball than my blade, but not a big heavy mallet. And again, simple markings. Our eyes like simplicity. Graphics are gimmicks!

Honestly, I think your Ally is a fine putter for all seasons. Don't spend the money on a new putter unless you really feel a change is necessary...because as far as "control," you're not going to see much difference from one putter type to another. Here's what WILL make a difference in control, though...go to a fitter and have him or her measure you and watch your stroke, and let them adjust the length, lie, loft, and even the grip of the putter to optimize the way you putt. You might be shocked at what a difference it makes.

# 2    1/21/2011 11:58:28 AM   
Odyssey Black Series-i Putter, standard length shaft, mallet. I love the feel and control of the mallet style.

Professional Champion
# 3    1/21/2011 12:28:59 PM   
I jumped around for a while but now I pretty much stick to Anser style heads. I like the simplicity of it.

One thing to remember if you are ever struggling with control is to make sure your back swing is even with you front swing.

# 4    1/21/2011 4:57:37 PM   
Traditional. Odyssey Dual Force 2.

# 5    1/21/2011 5:33:55 PM   
I went from a blade to a mallet to a long mallet back to a blade. Last season I got a Never Compromise GM2 #5. It's a definite keeper and in my bag for the coming season.

Professional Champion
# 6    1/21/2011 7:47:40 PM   
I use an old standard length slotline inertial, with a bullseye as a backup. I've had both a long time. In fact about 5 years ago my slotline broke and I thought I was screwed, because the company was no longer in business. Thank goodness for eBay and I picked another one up pretty cheap. Now I just saw there is a new line of slotline putters. But I think you have to be comfortable with the club and a good head on your shoulders.

Robert Premeaux Jr.
Professional Champion
# 7    1/21/2011 8:37:09 PM   

I use an old standard length slotline inertial, with a bullseye as a backup. I've had both a long time. In fact about 5 years ago my slotline broke and I thought I was screwed, because the company was no longer in business. Thank goodness for eBay and I picked another one up pretty cheap. Now I just saw there is a new line of slotline putters. But I think you have to be comfortable with the club and a good head on your shoulders.

SLOTLINE!!! I wanted one so bad back in high school.

My putter: Scotty Cameron Pro Platinum Newport 2 Mid Slant (2000)

... and the only putter I'll use for the duration of my career.

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