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Friendly wagers - What's on the line?
Professional Champion
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I find that I have side bets with almost all of my friends when I play and the competition makes it a lot of fun. They are:

1. Loser salts the fries at lunch.
2. $1 a hole (so I make sure to get the lunch money for #1).
3. Will agree to shave my moustache if I ever lose again.
4. Loser puts the clubs in the car at the end of the round.

Of course the customary rabbits and squirrels and other critter bets come into play as well.
# 16    7/8/2010 3:27:44 PM   
If you dont get it past the ladies tee's we play it as a D.O. hole. THAT DOESN"T STAND FOR DO OVER EITHER!!!! lol

Professional Champion
# 17    7/8/2010 5:50:25 PM   
My regular foursome usually plays Wolf for 50 cents a hole. I rarely end up being owed but I shot my lowest score ever last fall and was looking forward to finally raking in the cash. But due to the vagaries of Wolf I STILL ended up owing money!! Thankfully only $1 though. ;-)

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