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Golf Outing in Pinehurst in July 2010
Posted in: USA South
Professional Champion
176 Views    5 Replies    1 Like   I like it!
Ok guys here are the dates for the Phinehurst outing and the cost. The dates are July 12 - 16 ,2010. The cost is $375.00 The Course are: Anderson Creek, Talamore, Mid-Pines, Legacy, and Tobacco Road and they will be played in that order... So all you golf want in email or call me and I will provide you with a hard copy with the details. Also the contact information... My email again is and my number is 803-466-1052... I have reserved 12 rooms for 24 players to it's first come first serve but can get more rooms if we need them....

I am Delano the guy on the left black pants
Professional Champion
# 1    1/31/2010 10:48:25 AM   
Yes we normally does have a great time... I hope to have more golfers this year... So come on guy join in the fun..

Professional Champion
# 2    1/31/2010 11:02:38 AM   
Memike do you play in Pensacola often.. My brother and I will be there for a week in June so if you like to hook up and play let us know.. I grew up in Pensacola in the late 60's left when I graduated in 1975. There is a course near where I grew up call Marcus Pointe Golf Club.. Well the dates that we will be there is 5 - 12 June 2010, here is my email let me know if you can or wanna play.


Professional Champion
# 3    1/31/2010 12:05:59 PM   
I sent you a friend request. I am interested in going. I have a few more friends that would probably go. We do a trip every summer anyways and we havent decided where yet. This sound like a really good deal.

Professional Champion
# 4    1/16/2011 12:54:14 PM   
Hey how did this outing go????
How many showed up???

It was a rough summer with the heat and drought....hopefully you had good conditions for all the courses.....

ScottSorrell Delano-Jones onebowtie memike
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