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Has golf ever interfered with relationships?
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I was posting to another thread about golf being a lifestyle, when I thought that this aspect might be a good topic on it own.

Have your relationships ever suffered as a result of golf. Has your partner ever been jealous of the game?

It seems like just about every girlfriend I've ever had, even though they started out thinking golf was cool, eventually thought it was a selfish indulgence, which took time away from her and our relationship. I beg to differ. Looking back on it, their neediness was the selfish indulgence. It wasn't golf.

I saw some dude the other day who had his girlfriend riding with him, watching every swing and cheering him on. I thought, "That poor schmuck. In six months, she'll be calling him every 15 minutes asking when he'll be done".

I may sound jaded. I probably am, but I think I know the cure. I need to find a woman who is as obsessed about playing golf as I am. I need to start by asking to see her handicap card on the first date. That should be the first question. "What kind of clubs do you play?", should be the second.

What do you think?
Professional Champion
# 31    8/2/2011 2:49:22 PM   
When I met my ex wife, her entire family played and sucked me into the game. She didn't play, as years passed, I am a golf nut, totally sucked in and actually run a golf website as well. The last few years of our marrage I didn't get out much which just added to our stress at home.

Now, my girlfriend wakes up on a sat morning and kicks me out of the house to go play. She doesn't call, txt, etc..., she knows it's my time after a long week at work and knows we will be together that evening for a good diiner and drinks.

Actually walking 18 with her this afternoon!

# 32    8/2/2011 3:10:15 PM   

Wow, you gave up on the idea of a lifetime golfing partner based on a sample size of two. Really???

Momma always said, "A cat what sits on a hot stove, ain't never gonna sit on a cold one!" Sometimes once is enough...

Yes, but you can't say i didn't try. I would rather here about swing plane and putting tips instead I got my golf bag doesn't go with my shoes.

If a lady tells you your shoes don't go with your bag, I'd listen to her brother. She probably knows what she's talking about on that one!

Professional Champion
# 33    8/2/2011 6:57:46 PM   
You're absolutely right. I've given it a lot of thought in the past, and it seems to me that, whether it be golf, cars, football, women are just plain jealous of you having a good time without them.

# 34    8/3/2011 9:15:42 AM   

I thought I wanted a g/f or wife that golfs but about ten years ago my mother picked up the game and now she plays all the time with my father who I have been playing with since I could walk. After a year of them playing together I don't know that man on the golf course anymore. Recently she had an injury and he joined my sunday league since she can't play and the man I grew up golfing with is back. I recently date a girl that was a self proclaimed avid golfer. She could hit the ball ok but didn't take instruction well. after a few months while we were playing she was complaining about course conditions and wouldn't stop saying how terrible the course was. I won the rounds on a side game so we basically were playing for free but that didn't matter to the golf princess. after six holes I snapped on yet another comment she made and said," you are not good enough to complain. When you are putting to save double boogie all the time from thirty feeet away you should just feel lucky they let you on the course."

I am currently single and probably will never date a female golfer again unless she carries a handicap under ten!

Can't say that I haven't heard that from my husband once or twice, but your the type of (and don't be offended) pr!ck that would piss me off no wonder your single. Obvisously you have other issues to worry about than whether or not your next g/f can play golf.

Well I normally get asshole but prick is just about right. golf is the only thing I have left that I actually enjoy. I have played golf my whole life non-competitve.I don't mind all the little joys women bring to our lives but stopping twice on a tee box is annoying. I don't even care that marriage rips a man's balls off. Leave golf alone. The only reason most women play is to piss off the husband.

I work at a golf course and I have alot of ladies that have their own league compete against the men and for the most part win. I wouldn't say all of us play to piss off their husbands...maybe the ones you've encoutered have but that statement is just wrong. My husbands was thrilled that I took up golf and loves going out with me and he goes with his friends without me. Most of the ladies at the club go out with their husbands or play seperately and none of the husbands b!tch about it. The ones that complain about their wives are the ones that use golf as an escape.

# 35    8/3/2011 9:17:59 AM   

When I met my ex wife, her entire family played and sucked me into the game. She didn't play, as years passed, I am a golf nut, totally sucked in and actually run a golf website as well. The last few years of our marrage I didn't get out much which just added to our stress at home.

Now, my girlfriend wakes up on a sat morning and kicks me out of the house to go play. She doesn't call, txt, etc..., she knows it's my time after a long week at work and knows we will be together that evening for a good diiner and drinks.

Actually walking 18 with her this afternoon!

That's great!!! Have a good time

# 36    8/3/2011 9:22:02 AM   

You're absolutely right. I've given it a lot of thought in the past, and it seems to me that, whether it be golf, cars, football, women are just plain jealous of you having a good time without them.

NOT ALL WOMEN. Mostly cause I enjoy all of that and probably watch more sports than my husband.

# 37    8/3/2011 10:25:49 AM   

You're absolutely right. I've given it a lot of thought in the past, and it seems to me that, whether it be golf, cars, football, women are just plain jealous of you having a good time without them.

NOT ALL WOMEN. Mostly cause I enjoy all of that and probably watch more sports than my husband.

Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent.
Friedrich Nietzsche - caddied for the Dali Lama

Sorry, I'm in a Nietzsche mood today...

Philip Beeson
# 38    8/3/2011 1:09:38 PM   
I am very fortunate to have a wife that believes in my time, her time and our time. I golf and she does gardening, it works well for both because I hate gardening. I play twice a week, early morning of course, and it still leaves lots of "us time" after my rounds are over. I guess after 14 years of marriage we have developed the love and trust we need to do the things we want both alone and together.

Professional Champion
# 39    8/3/2011 8:43:16 PM   

20 years ago I was engaged to a girl that did not like me golfing .Well I dumped her.If she was not going to let me do the thing that I love to do most than bye bye.I will find someone who will and i did .

It's good to see a man with scene control. Somethings are none negotiable.

Mark Simmons
# 40    8/3/2011 11:33:15 PM   

I am very fortunate to have a wife that believes in my time, her time and our time. I golf and she does gardening, it works well for both because I hate gardening. I play twice a week, early morning of course, and it still leaves lots of "us time" after my rounds are over. I guess after 14 years of marriage we have developed the love and trust we need to do the things we want both alone and together.

We have our separate interests too. However, with my wife her interests more often than not involve power tools. She's a certified custom cabinetmaker among other things.

Professional Champion
# 41    8/4/2011 2:03:12 PM   
It sucks hearing stories like this. My wife loves golf. She's not one to watch golf on TV unless I am watching it, but she loves getting out there on the course. The better she gets, the more she wants to play.

I think there are bigger issues when this sort of thing hurts your relationship. If both people dont have a stress reliever, then that stress is brought into the marriage. And if there is no intimate connection in the marriage noone is going to be happy. Most of the time when I hear this, it either seems that the wife is not having enough fun in her life and she thinks the husband is having too much fun without here or the husband is not spending enough time with her to make her want to let him spend some time away (watching TV together doesn't count) or she is just annoyed with you from issues in the past and its just something to gripe about.

To me, it seems like couples are not doing enough together. If my wife asks me to go somewhere I really dont want to go, I just say yes. My wife likes to spend time with me. Even if it is something she really does not like to do. That way I can give her what she wants and in return she gives me what I want. A round of golf with my buddies. She watches TV shows that she would never watch if I were not there. Just to spend time next to me.

Another thing is women like golf more when they look the part. i buy the wife outfits, shoes, etc so she feels comfortable. That started her on her golf journey. Now its 50% clothes and 50% golf. Before it was 90% clothes and 10% golf. I think I have a great wife. We were in Maui not so long and we heard this saying. The family that plays together stays together.

Professional Champion
# 42    8/4/2011 7:40:42 PM   
Totally agree with Philip Beeson. Same thing here. I have my golf, wife has her movie night with the girls/aunts. Everyone should have some free time.

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