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The Shovel Proxy
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Professional Champion
140 Views    10 Replies    6 Likes   I like it!
Please call your Congressman or Congresswoman and tell them it is time to implement the Shovel Proxy.

When you are driving along and someone cuts you off, is driving 15 miles under the speed limit,or comes into your lane because they are texting.
This new law gives you the right to pull them over and hit them with a shovel.

There are less ramifications and legal issues than if you shoot them. The fear of getting a ticket obviously does not work.

But if they know that they could get smacked in the head with a shovel, it will hopefully cause them to think twice.
Professional Champion
# 1    8/23/2011 7:33:24 AM   
She was doing 30 in the center lane and kept swerving into the other lane while texting. The speed limit is 45 and since school has just started back, we have an extra 5000 college students on the road.

# 2    8/23/2011 7:43:10 AM   
someone needs to invent a way that if you turn your cell phone on in a car it explodes.

# 3    8/23/2011 7:57:27 AM   
They have made it illegal to be texting while driving here. What also get's my blood boiling is when someone pass's me just to make a right hand turn in front of me causing me to disrupt my flow and hit the brakes! WTF couldn't you just tuck behind me and then turn? I'm running 70 mph and you pass me just to make the turn 1/4 mile down the road. Damn I just want to put the ol' NASCAR bumper to there ass and shove them in the ditch!

Professional Champion
# 4    8/23/2011 8:01:16 AM   

someone needs to invent a way that if you turn your cell phone on in a car it explodes.

The phone? Or the car?

...On second thought, don't answer that. I think we already know the answer.

# 5    8/23/2011 8:22:07 AM   
Phone use in vehicles should be banned completely, it puts everyone at risk!

# 6    8/23/2011 8:50:53 AM   
I dont' know if anyone else has noticed this but I have actually started seeing more people READING while driving - like a real book where you have to hold it open and flip the pages - not even the Kindle thing! I see this at least once a week....WTF?

As for the girl texting and causing havoc - I have been known to pull up next to them and honk til I have their attention - hold up my phone and give them the disapproving No,No,No with my finger....I'm sure as I pull away I get a finger of my own but its funny to see how embarassed they get at the moment like they just got scolded by their mom.

# 7    8/23/2011 8:54:52 AM   

someone needs to invent a way that if you turn your cell phone on in a car it explodes.

The phone? Or the car?

...On second thought, don't answer that. I think we already know the answer.

Would it really matter?? Maybe to save the collateral damage the phone should just melt down into a gooey blob!!

# 8    8/23/2011 8:57:09 AM   

I dont' know if anyone else has noticed this but I have actually started seeing more people READING while driving - like a real book where you have to hold it open and flip the pages - not even the Kindle thing! I see this at least once a week....WTF?

As for the girl texting and causing havoc - I have been known to pull up next to them and honk til I have their attention - hold up my phone and give them the disapproving No,No,No with my finger....I'm sure as I pull away I get a finger of my own but its funny to see how embarassed they get at the moment like they just got scolded by their mom.

Yes I have seen this also. Passed a man the other day running 40 in a 65 and looked over. The idiot had a book (like a novel type book) on his steering wheel reading it. Now what the hell is the difference between that and texting? Same concept! That should be illegal as well. I've also seen people with news papers spread wide ass open across thier steering wheels reading it??????

# 9    8/23/2011 9:02:10 AM   

I've also seen people with news papers spread wide ass open across thier steering wheels reading it??????

oh yeah that is more frequent in the mornings here than the book. I just can't freakin' believe it - take the dang bus if you can't wait to get home to read that dang book LOL.

# 10    8/23/2011 9:27:02 AM   

I dont' know if anyone else has noticed this but I have actually started seeing more people READING while driving - like a real book where you have to hold it open and flip the pages - not even the Kindle thing! I see this at least once a week....WTF?

As for the girl texting and causing havoc - I have been known to pull up next to them and honk til I have their attention - hold up my phone and give them the disapproving No,No,No with my finger....I'm sure as I pull away I get a finger of my own but its funny to see how embarassed they get at the moment like they just got scolded by their mom.

Yes I have seen this also. Passed a man the other day running 40 in a 65 and looked over. The idiot had a book (like a novel type book) on his steering wheel reading it. Now what the hell is the difference between that and texting? Same concept! That should be illegal as well. I've also seen people with news papers spread wide ass open across thier steering wheels reading it??????

I've seen the newspaper thing around DC area, but could totally understand traffic on his side (southbound) was at a standstill for about 10 miles plus there was a wreck in HOV lane. I was driving north so i didn't have as much traffic but still saw some wierd stuff. I couldn't imagine trying to read a book and drive; get an audio book! Can't say that I haven't texted and drove at the same time, mostly at stop lights though. I have sync with my car which uses bluetooth to connect to my car so phonecalls come through the speakers. With so much handsfree technology out there, this should be the only way to accept phone calls in the car.