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Players cherry picking tourny's?????
Professional Champion
154 Views    88 Replies    1 Like   I like it!
Should PGA players be able to pick and choose tourny's they want or don't want to play in? Especially top ranked players????? i.e. Rory and and especially Westwood ranked #1 deciding not to play at the Players.....I don't think this is fair for the fans or players for that matter trying to gain ground in the world rankings......I think top ranked players should have to play important tourny's which The Players certainly is or give up their ranking....What do you think?
Professional Champion
# 76    2/4/2011 9:09:45 PM   

Mike you are somewhat right that without fans there would be no tour. But, golf unlike footbal or nascar or hockey has a fanbase that also has a very high percentage of people who play the game. People won't watch the superbowl on Sunday then run out on Monday to by a set of shoulderpads. But golf is different in that, when Payne Stewart uses a See More putter to win the '99 US Open, the next day See More is flooded with orders. The PGA Tour is essentially a giant exhibition of traveling salesmen demonstrating the latest and greatest products from their true employers golf equipment manufacturers. There is always going to be the sector that wants to do everything the pros do guys who shave with Gillete razors make calls with AT&T phones while glancing at their Tag Heure watch. Then the load their Nike clubs into the trunk of their Buick Lucerne and drive home. Phil Mickelson and Ron Popeil are both in the same role they just have different sales methods. Phil sells clubs by being a top golfer Ron sells Showtime rotisseries by a barrage of infomercials.

I agree with all points you make with one exception; I have been looking to replace my shoulder pads for a couple of years, and thought that Monday might be a good time to finally get that new set of Schutt pads I've had my eyes on for a while. :)

I was always a riddel guy. I did once score 4 touchdowns in 1 game in high school... oh wait that wasn't me that was Al Bundy

Robert Premeaux Jr.
Professional Champion
# 77    2/4/2011 9:23:06 PM   

Shake hands and call it a draw!


Captain Kirk is the greatest.

Professional Champion
# 78    2/4/2011 9:27:41 PM   

Luke, just ignore it. Mike is one of those guys who has a Napolean complex, he needs to feel that he is owed something for cheering on his favorite players.

That feeling makes him feel important or necessary, its not all that different than the sports fan who feels that if he sits a certain way or wears a certain outfit that some how he has an effect on the course of play, be that football, baseball or golf.


Beautiful. Ms. Manners now doubles as a psychologist. Do you also do tarot cards and palm reading Lewis?

# 79    2/4/2011 10:09:39 PM   
Mike, every time you get upset you have to throw out a swear word or two. When you can't argue you swear or call someone names. "Ms". was 4 year old get yours humor.

Just silly. My worst comment was that I said you have an aura of entitlement and that it is America's entitlement issues which are bringing this country down...the last part is true, the first was an observation based on comments made in this forum and others.

I push back because you try to bully...some put up with it. I don't. I will stick to my direct comments I made to Luke. I honestly think you have some jealousy issues regarding pros, your "they owe us" stance is perhaps just immaturity, which I suppose would explain the swearing.

Despite what you might think, you don't get under my skin. I would actually have to have respect for you to weigh anything you might say that heavily. I don't mind pushing your buttons though, because I get predictable results. You fight a sideways argument, which sooner rather than later leads to calling...gender jokes...etc.

Truth be told I hung the entitlement comment but that went hand in hand with your "they owe us" mentality. Your Napolean complex just seemed a good fit, and must have struck a nerve. So for that I apologize.

I have said that it is courteous and nice to have professionals relate to the fans, but I disagree that they owe them anything. You are dead wrong that you need television and big money to have a professional tour. Professional golf started without fanfare, without big money and the players played to see who was the best. On multiple mini-tours there is little to no fanfare, little money and no televison and they play for future opportunities and the love of the game.

If the PGA Tour was gone television and no money professional golfers would keep playing tournaments and matches. At the end of the day its the love of the game and the hunt for competition... not the money for the majority of professionals.

I say you owe them for the entertainment. Because without them you might not have an idea how great golf could be.

You don't see it that way, or can't see it that way. They have paid their dues, and for the majority of pro golfers it is a stressful life which I admire, and for that I don't think they owe me anything.

Would a golf pro ever say I don't owe anything to the fans?" No, but there is thousands of things you don't say in public. For one...I don't swear in public forums...even though I might want to...some people don't have that filter though do they?

Professional Champion
# 80    2/5/2011 6:24:59 AM   
"Mike, every time you get upset you have to throw out a swear word or two. When you can't argue you swear or call someone names. "Ms". was 4 year old get yours humor."

Since it is the centennial celebration of one the greatest presidents in history this weekend, Ronald Wilson Reagan, it is only fitting to use a line from the Great Communicator himself:

Lewis, "there you go again"!

This is the classic example of the pot calling the kettle black. As previously stated in another chapter (pay attention, Lewis, so you don't continuously embarrass yourself or just plain outright lie!) YOU started the name-calling, not me or anyone else on this thread. Read the posts if your attention span is capable. The "Ms. Manners" (yes, the line was brilliant) was in response to your line about my manners. Plus, since you generally start the name-calling and then act shocked - SHOCKED - that someone would actually return fire, the title fits you perfectly, although "whiner" might be a more fitting way to characterize you when you start complaining about name-calling and swearing.

"I push back because you try to bully"

Really, Lewis? Here's what I wrote in response to Scola that apparently put you over the edge, when you responded with some nonsense about how you "are sick people who feel entitled", and how they are "dragging down the country":

"The answer to all the questions you posed is a resounding yes!. That's all these guys "owe" their fans. It's simple, basic, common courtesy." Sounds like bullying to me, Lewis, (and poor manners too) and I won't put up with it either. But I don't have to remind you of that, do I?

But this one by you is the one I love most. After four days of telling the world that players owe their fans nothing, zero, NADDA!, and belittling those who think they owe us some courtesy and respect, you go and write the following:'

"Do professionals owe people a thank you, sure".

Now this is the same Lewis who earlier in the thread wrote stuff like this:

"And this whole...they owe it to the fans is bunk in my book. They don't owe fans anything in my book..."

"The key word is owe. This gets back to the argument of fanatics. These professionals don't really owe you or anybody anything."

"I for one admire their skill and talent, but they don't owe me anything."

"So the question is what do they owe you?"

"My point is this, while you help fill Tour Players pockets they don't owe you anything."

"They don't owe you anymore than Oprah, Brad Pitt or the guy who fixes the stop lights."

"Owe is not the word you are looking for...owing and courtesy do not go hand in hand."

At this point, we'll take a short intermission and all stop for laughter. Lewis is so funny we'll pause here for a bathroom break and refreshment of our drinks.

OK. We're back.

"These guys don't owe you anything."

"Now perhaps the PGA owes you something...doubt it...but maybe? Certainly not the professionals"

And now, ladies and gentlemen, (as the drum rolls) the number one most ridiculous thing Lewis has written on this thread:

"Now is it nice to have pros who glad hand, smile and shake hands...sure. But they don't owe you that."

Followed by:

"Do professionals owe people a thank you, sure". Which is all Scola and me were asking for in the first place!

As those from Texas will likely recall, I'll paraphrase former Gov. Ann Richards from her speech at the Democrat National Convention in 1988:

"Poor Lewis. He can't help it. He was born with a silver foot in his mouth".

So after four days of steadfastly maintaining that golfers owe us nothing, and telling us how sick he is of the entitlement generation and how they are bringing down the country, all of a sudden Lewis feels entitled.

Welcome, Lewis. It's good to have you aboard! With your help, we can bring down the country in a matter of mere months!

Oh what the heck. Just one more.

One post AFTER writing this "Do professionals owe people a thank you, sure", Lewis writes this:

"I have said that it is courteous and nice to have professionals relate to the fans, but I disagree that they owe them anything."

Now you know why others on Stracka have referred to him as Liar Lewis.

So which is it Lewis? We're all confused. Do they owe us anything or not?

I'll address your comments about professional golf and its economics at a later time.

I'm still laughing so hard at your ridiculous comments, I need to use the bathroom again!

Professional Champion
# 81    2/5/2011 6:42:39 AM   
One more. Can't resist.

Lewis writes:

"You fight a sideways argument."

Lewis, as anyone who sails can attest, it's better to move sideways than in circles.

Lewis goes from this:

"These guys don't owe you anything."

To this:

"Do professionals owe people a thank you, sure".

Unlike you, Lewis, the premise of my argument remains consistent.

Most of your arguments remind me of the dog who constantly chases its tail. Sooner or later though, unlike Lewis, the dog actually accomplishes his mission.

# 82    2/5/2011 9:21:12 PM   
Mike,( insert bad word)...nice misquote.

Read the full narrative...I said do professionals owe people a thank you sure....then I went on to say that they "owe" their parents, teachers, coaches and friends who helped them get to the top. NOT FANS. And certainly not you who jumped on their bandwagon after they made it big. They don't owe you squat.

This is my point...arguing with you is a silly circle of stupidity. Don't use part of a quote and try to make me look bad.

And I like how you forgot to give me a reason for swearing on a public forum.


# 83    2/5/2011 9:36:48 PM   
Just to show you the full quote MIKEY...

"Do professionals owe people a thank you, sure... but I think they owe their family, their friends, their teachers, and their sponsors (not you Mike) who have believed in them from day one. Mike, here jumps on the bandwagon 24 years later when they have made it and wants to stake his claim."

You misquote me and try to make an argument. That ticks me off because you know I am right, and your ego is in your way. You can't defend your position so you use half of a sentence to make your argument. That is so weak, sad and quite frankly pathetic.

You are Mr. Google I will give you don't know much about golf, but you can look it up relatively quick. But when you misquote you lose creditability.

You OWE me an you like them apples?

Professional Champion
# 84    2/6/2011 3:52:42 AM   

You OWE me an you like them apples?

I will only apologize if you believe you are ENTITLED to one!

Professional Champion
# 85    2/7/2011 7:56:44 AM   
My opinion is the top players should have to play some of the non-major tournaments. Maybe every other year. This can only help the PGA Tour in the long run. Some people never get to see Tiger or Phil or some of the top European players. It alsohelps the economy for the smaller touraments. My .02

Professional Champion
# 86    2/7/2011 12:48:50 PM   

When you buy a ticket to watch professional golf you are buying a good, entertainment. You are not buying a service where you are actively paying a golfer to do something for you. In that sense the golfer owes you nothing. If he wants to smile and be friendly with the gallery great, but if he wants to ignore the gallery that is the players perogitive to. Behavior should not be legislated. If a fan feels dissatisfied with the experience of watching a professional golf event he can simply choose not too. Just because a golfer is apublic figure they owe you something? Nope. They don't owe you anything smiles, waves, autographs, they don't even owe it to you to play well. Almost every tournament is run as a non-profit so whatever you pay to get in goes to charity,not the players; who are paid with money from corporate sponsors.

Now in some cases entertainment does owe, for instance I threw down the $10 to see Paranormal Activity in theatres and the producers of that steaming pile of poo owe me 2 hours of my life back. I check the mailbox everyday to see if it has come yet. more time.....I am not saying they HAVE to do anything....We are talking about doing the right thing as a person.......Sometimes you should do things for others because you should and not just because it is demanded of you...That is what is becoming wrong with this country; we need rules and regs for everything for people to do the right thing......In short; the players are taken care of well by their sponsors and supported by their fans and they make big dollars for themselves...In my opinion; the players need to do all they can to give back.....

Give back to whom? Golf isn't exactly played in the projects, so the people golfers would be giving back to range from middle class to wealthy. Not exactly the portion of our country in need. Especially since they are paying to watch and most likely play, it can be reasonably assumed they have some disposable income and did not make the choice of should I feed my child or go watch professional golfers at Torrey? Granted many of the charites and non-profits help those who need it, inner city kids, cancer patients etc. I don't see the significance of receiving positive attention from players. If you are an adult what do you think is going to happen you and Tiger are going to lock eyes and start teeing it up at the local muni and become best friends. You may say it is good for kids, if the child is young enough most likely they don't care that Bubba just gave them a ball they are excited to get some attention and a new toy. If the child is old enough to understand what is going on and is idolizing these guys that is the parents fault for not either A. Being a better role model themselves or B. Explaining to their child that these are just guys and they don't walk on water, appreciate the skill but stop there.

Nobody is talking about giving back $$$.....

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