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Poulter says American reign of golf is over......
Professional Champion
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Englishman Ian Poulter along with Twitter rants, commercials and clothing line have a few words to the American golfers.....Your reign on the sport is almost up.

Here is the link to my piece on this and what Poulter had to say:
Robert Premeaux Jr.
Professional Champion
# 16    7/13/2010 11:16:42 PM   
Poulter should spend more time winning and less time talking. That guy's mouth is four-times bigger than his game.

Professional Champion
# 17    7/14/2010 5:17:50 AM   
like we say in Texas " he is going to let his Mocking bird mouth over load his Humming bird ass".

# 18    7/14/2010 11:29:42 AM   

Yeah, I remember him saying that as well. I loike Ian Poulter as well. I think he's funny on Twitter and on-course but at times, he lets his mouth run a little too much.

Just like at the U.S. Open when he went to crying in front of the camera about the short par three. Something about how in the world are you supposed to play a hole like this and then Johnson came up behind him and spun one back to within a foot or so of the hole. That sure made him look like an moron.

# 19    7/14/2010 11:35:45 AM   

Yeah, I remember him saying that as well. I loike Ian Poulter as well. I think he's funny on Twitter and on-course but at times, he lets his mouth run a little too much.

Just like at the U.S. Open when he went to crying in front of the camera about the short par three. Something about how in the world are you supposed to play a hole like this and then Johnson came up behind him and spun one back to within a foot or so of the hole. That sure made him look like an moron.

Yeah but keep in mind that Johnson was pretty much the only player the whole day that got it within 10 feet of the hole. I don't think Ian was alone. He was just the only one who said it at a time whwn microphones and cameras were nearby.

# 20    7/14/2010 12:11:55 PM   

Yeah, I remember him saying that as well. I loike Ian Poulter as well. I think he's funny on Twitter and on-course but at times, he lets his mouth run a little too much.

Just like at the U.S. Open when he went to crying in front of the camera about the short par three. Something about how in the world are you supposed to play a hole like this and then Johnson came up behind him and spun one back to within a foot or so of the hole. That sure made him look like an moron.

Yeah but keep in mind that Johnson was pretty much the only player the whole day that got it within 10 feet of the hole. I don't think Ian was alone. He was just the only one who said it at a time whwn microphones and cameras were nearby.

He still looked like an assclown though

Professional Champion
# 21    7/14/2010 12:31:36 PM   

I don't think Ian was alone. He was just the only one who said it at a time whwn microphones and cameras were nearby.

He still looked like an assclown though

If you remember, he looked right into the camera and said it.

Hey, if you can't play a 99 yard hole, take up knitting!

# 22    7/14/2010 2:17:44 PM   
US supremecy is waining no doubt. There are at least 40% of non US players in the top twenty and with the Ryder Cup being played on their turf this time, the US tams has a major uphill climb! Poulter is not the player to worry about, although he is talented and can play, it is the likes of McElroy and others that will be the future players for US players to topple. So I agree somewhat, but reality is when any players putter gets hot watch out!

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