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Course Search Missing?
Posted in: Website Suggestions
178 Views    7 Replies    0 Likes   I like it!
Not more than a week ago I was able to search for a course on this site and find the slope and rating as well as a scorecard for each set of tees. I have spent the better part of 30 minutes searching for that "course search" feature and can't find it. Where the hell is it and how do I get to it??? Make it harder!
GolfNet Staff
# 1    8/10/2019 2:18:45 PM   
It's still under the main left menu. Do you not see it there?

# 2    8/10/2019 4:35:24 PM   
It's still under the main left menu. Do you not see it there?
If I could add a picture to the forums I could show you it's not under "My Game", "Community" or "App Support"

Walk me through what to click on and I'd be happy.

GolfNet Staff
# 3    8/11/2019 8:36:01 AM   
It's still under the main left menu. Do you not see it there?
If I could add a picture to the forums I could show you it's not under "My Game", "Community" or "App Support"

Walk me through what to click on and I'd be happy.
It was there in the last version but now I see what you mean.
Emailing the developer...

GolfNet Staff
# 4    8/12/2019 8:13:52 AM   
It's still under the main left menu. Do you not see it there?
If I could add a picture to the forums I could show you it's not under "My Game", "Community" or "App Support"

Walk me through what to click on and I'd be happy.
It was there in the last version but now I see what you mean.
Emailing the developer...
Course Search is back.

Professional Champion
# 5    8/21/2019 4:17:04 PM   
It's still under the main left menu. Do you not see it there?
If I could add a picture to the forums I could show you it's not under "My Game", "Community" or "App Support"

Walk me through what to click on and I'd be happy.
It was there in the last version but now I see what you mean.
Emailing the developer...
Course Search is back.
The TPC Colorado course is searchable but none of the yardage, handicap, or type of hole (par 3, 4, or 5) are displaying for any of the tees