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Driving Distance
Professional Champion
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I'm curious....Please say how far you normally drive the ball ( Be honest ) Also list what Driver you have in your bag and what degree loft it is.....I carry the Taylormade R5 - 9.5 degree loft.......I like it because I'm usually pretty accurate with it but I am not getting good distance lately....Curiouis to hear what everyone's using for equipment and how it's working for you.
Professional Champion
# 31    6/11/2010 11:40:56 AM   

I'd bet 4 out of 5 golfers (maybe more) don't hit their driver as far as they either say or think they do.

I'd bet 4 out of 5 golfers still think they should be trying to hit the ball on the upswing with a driver.....

Professional Champion
# 32    6/11/2010 11:57:10 AM   
Confidence 10.5 ... about 210. Longest has been about 230. I belong to the "short-knocker" club. :)

Professional Champion
# 33    6/11/2010 2:36:45 PM   

Interesting responses, good topic. I'd be curious to know the method of calcualtion many of the respondents are using to get these numbers, though. If you're using the yardage on the score card or on the teebox, then subtracting whatever you have left for you second you are unlikely to be very accurate. I have a friend who hits his driver about 200 to 220 yards, but will occasionally tell me about a 260 or 280 yard drive he's hit. Problem is, in a round we played together on his home course his method of using the marked distance from the tee box then subtracting the distance of the next shot (according to marked sprinkler heads) showed my drive on 18 to be 310 yards. My Skycaddie showed the real distance to be 262 yards. I know not everyone is willing to plop down the bucks for a GPS range finder, I'm just saying be realistic about the yardage you're hitting the ball. I play a lot of walk-on golf with folks I don't know, so I see a lot of different people hit the driver. I'm not always the longest guy in the group, but almost always. I average 260, though that counts the 200 duck hook or any other bad drive I hit and also the long ones that are wind-aided, so based on my experience seeing hundreds of golfers play I'm always skeptical when guys who don't get paid to play say they routinely hit the ball 300 yards without the aid of wind or whatever. Thanks for letting me rant!

When I say I avg 280-290 I only measure drives on straight holes when using the scorecard or Tee Box markers. And by avg, I don't mean the 14 holes I hit tee shots on. I am talking about a solid tee shots. Not factoring the sniper hook, miss hit or the downwind shot.

So do you think that courses don't put accurate yardage on the score cards/Tee markers? Of course I know better than to gauge my driving distance on a dogleg, but maybe your friend hitting it 220 off the tee measures those "bombs" on those holes? If I am playing a straight hole that plays 450 yards, and I hit it right down the middle of the fairway leaving myself 160 yards to the middle of the green wouldn't you agree that I hit that drive 290?

I think most people do inflate thier driver stats. The Avg player is not going to compress the golf ball regularly. By no means do I hit every drive pure, but with good tempo and a solid strike I have no problem carrying the ball 270+. That has been proven by launch monitors, gps, and yes scorecards and Tee markers. Believe it or not, I am not even close to as long as a few guys I play regularly with..... but I do hit more fairways!

I am itching to hit some balls now! Can't wait to get out of work!!!

Professional Champion
# 34    6/11/2010 6:16:58 PM   


Kick point is around 14 degree's.

What could I do to lower the kick point? I'd like to get a tad more off the tee.

Can you explain what a 14* kick point is????

Professional Champion
# 35    6/12/2010 7:56:38 AM   

I play the PING G10 9 degree with a Grafalloy ProLaunch Red stiff shaft. The shaft has a low kick point which helps me keep my trajectory down a bit.

In Florida I avg about 280-290, in Michigan last week I was avg about 300+!

A low kick point shaft will make your trajectory high, I play the same shaft on my driver with a high kick point to keep my trajectory low and penetrating.

Professional Champion
# 36    6/12/2010 7:59:48 AM   

Just purchased a Callaway Diablo 10.5 driver with stock stiff shaft.

I'm hitting around 265-280.

My swing speed is around 110-112.

Kick point is around 14 degree's.

What could I do to lower the kick point? I'd like to get a tad more off the tee.

The kick point on the shaft will only give you more distance if you bring it up, because it is going to lower your trajectory, and you will get more roll out of your drives, lowering the kick point will give you a higher trajectory and therefore less roll.

# 37    6/12/2010 9:26:44 AM   
I used to play a Taylor Made Burner 10.5 Draw driver (stock shaft) R flex (swing speed mid 80s), and still had a nasty slice on most drives, a good drive could go out 220 (measured w/ my SkyCaddie 2.5 using the ball mark feature).

I recently purchased a Ping G15 10.5 (stock shaft) R flex (swing speed nearing upper mid 80s, w/ some low to mid 90s every now and then). When I took this to the range, I found a draw that I had not seen before (a nice low trajectory (about 10' off the deck, maybe a little higher), and it looked longer than my other drives (on a range without distance markers, have no clue how far I was hitting it).

When I went out on Memorial Day weekend, the nasty slice came back, best drive was 240, sloping fairway assisted on Saturday. Best drive on Sunday was 213 (quite disappointing).

So, I would say my average, when it's fading, or cutting, is between 200-220. Looking for more distance, thinking of putting the G15 on the shelf until I get consistency between range and course.

Professional Champion
# 38    6/12/2010 10:10:24 AM   

I used to play a Taylor Made Burner 10.5 Draw driver (stock shaft) R flex (swing speed mid 80s), and still had a nasty slice on most drives, a good drive could go out 220 (measured w/ my SkyCaddie 2.5 using the ball mark feature).

I recently purchased a Ping G15 10.5 (stock shaft) R flex (swing speed nearing upper mid 80s, w/ some low to mid 90s every now and then). When I took this to the range, I found a draw that I had not seen before (a nice low trajectory (about 10' off the deck, maybe a little higher), and it looked longer than my other drives (on a range without distance markers, have no clue how far I was hitting it).

When I went out on Memorial Day weekend, the nasty slice came back, best drive was 240, sloping fairway assisted on Saturday. Best drive on Sunday was 213 (quite disappointing).

So, I would say my average, when it's fading, or cutting, is between 200-220. Looking for more distance, thinking of putting the G15 on the shelf until I get consistency between range and course.

Thoughtful post. I hit TM R7 460, draw bias weighted, custom shaft. Been struggling to hit the draw. It just goes straight, on my best attempts. I may try the Ping G15 at the store computer range to see what I think.

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