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The Great Penta Experiment
Robert Premeaux Jr.
Professional Champion
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Pentas are not as good as ProV1s after all.

I began taking advantage of the $28/box TaylorMade Pentas during the summer and posted about them because they performed amazingly well. All of my distance control gauges fit that ball exactly like they fit the ProV1, only big difference was that the Penta doesn't rip back off full wedges like the ProV1. That actually seemed like an advantage at the time.

However, I've now played the Penta for a good five full months, and while I still really, really like it, it simply does not bite and hold as well as the ProV1. The firmer the greens, the more I prefer the ProV1.

I still like the Penta a lot and will continue to play it some of the time to save money. But I'm back to ProV1s as my tournament ball. Hopefully, Pentas remain so cheap, because they're an awfully good deal at that price (generally, three boxes for $80 + tax).
Professional Champion
# 16    1/11/2012 11:01:22 PM   

The Pro-V1 had too much spin, so I switched to the Pro-V1x.

And the X is almost scuff proof. I played the X for 18 hole this past Sunday. Held on to the greens, putted great, and not one scuff mark. I will play that ball until I loose it. Which bring me to this question, how long should you keep a ball in play? I might post that question.

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