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Cold Putter
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Which approach has worked best for you in the past when the putter went cold on you?

1) Let it spend some time in the dog house?

2) Put it in your bed at night so it can warm up?

I'm at a loss, thanks for the help.
# 16    2/5/2017 11:53:27 AM   

It's a pretty simple 3 step routing to start holing putts again.

1) Keep you head still

2) Keep your damn head still

3) Keep your damn stupid head still

Not even kidding. And you're welcome.

Sound advice. I'm left eye dominant and endeavor to stand with the ball directly below it.

During the round in question I wasn't terrible, just off enough that the rub was against me all day.

# 17    2/5/2017 12:05:42 PM   

It's a pretty simple 3 step routing to start holing putts again.

1) Keep you head still

2) Keep your damn head still

3) Keep your damn stupid head still

Not even kidding. And you're welcome.

Sound advice. I'm left eye dominant and endeavor to stand with the ball directly below it.

During the round in question I wasn't terrible, just off enough that the rub was against me all day.

So that is the real issue, you're a leftist and need to live on the left coast.

# 18    2/5/2017 12:13:43 PM   
When one of the girls turns cold, I just bring out the other one. One of them will surely warm up my putting round.

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