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What Scares You??
Posted by HOGAN418 1/20/2012 4:09:25 PM

Part Three: I Called It.
Posted by HOGAN418 11/12/2011 4:09:15 PM

Well... I won.... got low score gross.. and team got lowest score net....did I call it????


Here's Why Part Deaux
Posted by HOGAN418 11/11/2011 12:49:53 PM
Here's Why Part Deaux

I'm playing in a tournament Saturday 11/12/11... I haven't played in over 2 months, practiced minimal, no workouts, no diet...but I will still win and here's why:


Here's Why...
Posted by HOGAN418 11/9/2011 9:19:59 PM

I'm twenty years older, thirty pounds heavier, and two steps slower... but here's why I will beat you: I have more heart, more course knowledge, and I won't go away until you make a mistake. I will step on your throat and watch you c...


Let Down
Posted by HOGAN418 9/11/2011 12:45:08 PM

Yeah... I don't watch golf much because of Tiger Woods not being in the mix. This is a letdown to mae because I love golf for the sport. But I have to say.. Who else can we watch?? Ok.. I get the bright colored Puma wearing biker dude...(what's his name?) . and the wanna be Texas boy that flashes the cars (Mahan).. and the English dude with a chip on his shoulder (McElroy). But ...."all the rowdy friends have settled down" (Hank Jr).. Mickelson has arthritis.. Els is old.. Leonard is getting old and can't hang. Pavin is on Senior's. Who?? Who?? All the others are derivitive... no pizzazz... and just not that good to hang every single round... Golf is BORING and Bland without some rivalry... Thoughts???


Who Is Harder To Play With???
Posted by HOGAN418 12/18/2010 9:28:37 PM

Beautiful Woman in a short skirt or Trash Talker with an attitude???


What Is The Best Ball Made And Why??
Posted by HOGAN418 7/17/2010 1:18:34 PM
What Is The Best Ball Made And Why??

What is the best ball made and give your reasons..


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