I began breaking my swing down around October 28th. Went back through my S&T DVD's and started the analysis. I got some really good advice from the guys at the Golf Evolution in Erie, PA. There were some minor adjustments to be made to my interpretation of the swing pattern. I'll include some video of my swing (granted just hitting some plastic balls in the yard). My first trip to the range produced solid results. Mostly tight 3-4 yard draws and a few pushes. Last week, I did some more analysis trying to get into the perfect positions. This caused me some problems. Something I'm realizing is that I really have to stop analyzing and trying to get things perfect. I need to make this pattern 'my own', get comfortable, and produce repeatable swings and results. At the range today, I tried to get the shoulder plane steeper among some other things. It just screwed me up. So I stopped, regrouped, and started swinging comfortably. Results the same as last week. Tight little draws.

Down the Line

Face On

Down the Line

Face On