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So this is the Infographic that the USGA and R&A provided to help explain the new rule they are proposing on anchoring.

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dmpcoco99 12/6/2012 4:14:35 PM
there will have to be a clarification of the anchored forearm

LyinLewis 11/30/2012 4:12:31 PM
I can't get over anchor point created by forearm. How can you prove that your anchor point is your forearm? The distinction between this point of putting and the legal version "long putter not anchored" is complete speculation. How is a rules official going to rule on whether the player's arm is anchored or not?

Now I have no problem with the rule in general, but this point is absurd.

tothetop777 11/29/2012 8:29:58 PM
Looks like, as much as I hate to say it, the left side is the winner in this debate. Crap! Left, and in Blue & Right is in Red. Go figure! Repubs and Red just can't win. LOL

car12old 11/29/2012 8:35:34 AM
Looks like we are duely regulated.

Duckhunter 11/29/2012 8:24:53 AM
I can still use my long putter as most of the time I am not anchoring it. yes I did say most of the time I have to be careful that I do not let my hand get to my body. I have tried it on my chin that did not work for me anyway.

Mark Simmons 11/28/2012 10:36:40 PM
"Resting", "Held", "Braced", "Anchored" you've got to love the way these terms are used as if they were really different. Classic case of a distinction without a difference. Can you imagine if the shoe was on the other foot?

Guy with the belly putter: "The putter is only braced against my belly". As if that is different from anchored.

Mark Simmons 11/28/2012 10:31:56 PM
Then there is the "Kutcher Clause - "Grip Resting Against Forearm".

Mark Simmons 11/28/2012 9:54:56 PM
More interesting to me is the "Forearms Held Against The Body" which they say is permissible, compared to "Anchor Point Created By Forearm". Semantically and scientifically both show anchor points.

Mark Simmons 11/28/2012 9:52:14 PM
The "long putter not anchored" shows clearly a gap between the grip (with hand) and the body. The "anchored long putter" should have shown the same angle in my mind, but they seem to want you to believe the golfer has buried the grip (with hand) into their chest.

cogolfer1 11/28/2012 9:41:31 PM
OK, what exactly is the difference between "long putter not anchored" and "anchored long putter" other than the camera angle? Am I missing something because those two strokes look almost exactly alike?

HIGH_LANDER 11/28/2012 9:23:15 PM

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