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young lady at long bay gc-- the group in front of us told her i was a registered sex offender? i told her that wasn't true ! i hadn't registered yet--that explains the smile:

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Comments (6)

HIGH_LANDER 10/25/2010 11:44:48 AM
Beautiful Cart Girl

gj24 11/13/2009 1:24:30 PM
Nice photo~

JeffLeonard 9/11/2009 5:05:34 PM
she looks like she would be fun to play with

PISC 9/11/2009 1:31:24 PM
Long Bay is a great track!

Duckhunter 9/11/2009 11:44:22 AM
She looks a little young. very cute.

howasam 9/11/2009 10:23:55 AM
That also explains the big knife in here pocket! LOL!!!!!

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