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Comments (7)

HIGH_LANDER 7/7/2010 7:38:56 AM

CrashinGA 2/5/2010 10:16:45 PM
It was like 110 that day, I welcomed the water, lol

72Wannabe 1/31/2010 9:11:33 PM
hope you brought a towel

aumurray 10/29/2009 8:50:29 PM
Hey this

Duckhunter 6/30/2009 3:54:20 PM
I would only try this on a saturday

busdriver 6/28/2009 5:20:03 PM
watch out for that lil ole gator!!

DavyCrockett 6/28/2009 6:24:24 AM
lol..I can hear it now..Hey hold my beer and watch this! Hope you made it out.

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