Community  /  Photos  /  Photo: 20090331 Roos tenth tee.jpg
Trouble is ... they won't stay still during your backswing!

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Comments (13)

cogolfer1 1/2/2010 9:55:53 AM
Where's the marshall?

aumurray 12/24/2009 8:13:03 AM
Where is Steve Williams when you need him?

NWABP 11/13/2009 10:14:49 PM
Hi stracka-ites. thanks for all the positive comments.
These 'roos are very protective of our golf course. There are two distinct "mobs" who live on it, and at dusk you can sometimes hear them fighting with the other 'roos who live in the surrounding bush.

Very few (if any) instances (over 75yrs) of anyone having an unpleasant experience with them. They are very content (lots of grass, water and young females) and generally just move away from you as you approach.

They do make a mess of the the bunkers, though!!

gj24 11/13/2009 7:29:38 AM
Wow--thats something you just don't se everyday..

PISC 6/1/2009 10:04:58 AM

thejosephgerber 5/30/2009 8:04:49 PM
And I thought the toad in my putting line yesterday was unique.

tommy884 5/30/2009 12:16:46 PM
bring me my ball back .......

PeteG512 5/30/2009 11:49:45 AM
Awesome photo

busdriver 5/30/2009 10:16:40 AM
That is cool, do they bother you while you play? Looks like ther are plenty out there

KWehlen 5/30/2009 8:25:23 AM

roundyracer 5/30/2009 7:32:56 AM
Kool pic

bogeyman456 5/30/2009 4:00:23 AM
Just let play through!

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