Community  /  Photos  /  Photo: Badgolfergreg's little golfer
Caroline lifts and cleans her ball before careful alignment and draining a hard breaking 20 footer!

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Comments (15)

ShaunCrawford 2/12/2011 12:50:09 AM
Well done, kiddo!!

Duckhunter 9/9/2010 11:30:41 AM
Life is good

HIGH_LANDER 9/7/2010 4:25:24 PM
very nice

bigal2039 2/16/2010 10:58:47 AM

72Wannabe 12/18/2009 3:22:56 PM
whatever makes it go in!

aumurray 10/12/2009 8:25:19 AM
Checking it out

clgman001 7/22/2009 8:32:21 PM
My god Greg. There is a song by Jimmy Buffett called "Little Miss Magic". If you aren't a Parrothead at least try to find this one song and give it a listen as you look at this photo.

bogeyman456 5/27/2009 4:31:01 AM
"Can you clean this for me?"

badgolfergreg 5/26/2009 9:20:52 PM
Thanks for the kind comments. She is a Daddy's girl!

busdriver 5/26/2009 6:01:28 PM
I think that picture needs to be in your office on display

Dandy 5/26/2009 5:04:10 PM
You should her some softspikes for her crocks :)

PISC 5/26/2009 9:03:38 AM
Look I sunk the putt

KWehlen 5/26/2009 8:21:23 AM
Love the picture.

NikeMojoGolfer 5/25/2009 7:54:56 PM
She's adorable!!

Sylla 5/25/2009 7:49:04 PM
What a beauty!! That's a wonderful photo :)

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