Community  /  Photos  /  Photo: strackatournyprize2.jpg
This is another prize for the tourny. A Mizuno MPT series, 53 degree GW with a ExsarIS5 graphite shaft, stiff. Golf Pride Mizuno grip. The wedge is used(I bought it used) but in excellent shape. I never liked the feel of it. The feel improved when my coach added lead tape but I never could bond with it. I just don't like graphite shafts on my irons. Maybe some lucky winner will fall in love with it.

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Comments (13)

ShaunCrawford 2/12/2011 12:47:06 AM
Very nice!

Duckhunter 9/9/2010 11:34:56 AM

HIGH_LANDER 9/7/2010 4:27:16 PM
Amazing wedge

72Wannabe 12/18/2009 3:27:52 PM
wow, nice

gj24 10/20/2009 7:27:36 PM
nice gift~~

aumurray 10/12/2009 8:28:32 AM
Good gift

badgolfergreg 3/22/2009 8:15:50 PM
I hope the winner will play with her and treat her well. It's a nice wedge. We just couldn't bond and so decided to part and go our seperate wasn't her, it was was an cordial breakup...she deserves a happy home in someone's bag! I hope she has a nice "life after the ridiculous USGA meddling groove rules change"! She'll be a REBEL and an OUTLAW then!!! Yeah baby!! WooHoo!!...she deserves a happy home in someone's bag! I hope she has a nice "life after the ridiculous USGA meddling groove rules change"! She'll be a REBEL and an OUTLAW then!!! Yeah baby!! WooHoo!!

PISC 3/22/2009 8:59:02 AM
Thanks Greg

PeteG512 3/21/2009 11:01:41 AM
Great wedge.

Sylla 3/21/2009 9:31:10 AM
Waow, another great prize :)

bradley894 3/21/2009 8:07:17 AM
wow this is a nice prize thanks for posting it!

foozlenut 3/20/2009 7:48:51 PM
Nice prize i have some graphite shaft irons i'm trying to play with too.

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