Community  /  Photos  /  Photo: n646004698_1394142_1015760.jpg

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Comments (12)

aumurray 11/1/2009 2:17:11 PM
Nice gator

firecapt60 4/20/2009 8:53:40 PM
I have a watchband and belt made out of one of his relatives!

QuoteGuy 3/20/2009 1:15:11 PM
I'll never get used to seeing gators on the course. Makes for great pictures and stories though.

PeteG512 3/20/2009 9:38:31 AM
Nice pair of golf shoes waiting near that pond

PISC 3/19/2009 11:54:38 AM
Thats a nice size gator!

Duckhunter 3/19/2009 8:16:29 AM
Any balls in that pond are his to keep.

busdriver 3/18/2009 7:05:20 PM
yep and if you get him pissed off enough, he can outrun that golf cart. Do not get between him and the water hazard

roundyracer 3/18/2009 7:03:43 PM
Looks like a pencil hole!

golf38m 3/18/2009 6:56:53 PM
if I don't move,some stupid person will get close enough and I'll have lunch.

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