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BAPL Tourney_BakersfieldCC 2006

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Comments (9)

aumurray 11/24/2009 8:53:18 AM
Good group

Nalga 1/21/2009 5:59:23 PM
Wanted: Dead or Alive.
Reason: Jackpotting the fund raiser and running off with the winnings.
Suspect: 'Placing' their long drive down the fairway, using 20+ mulligans when they didn't buy any, erasing other peoples names from the closest to the pin and putting their own down, and fudging scores to win the tournament.

Nice mug guys. Looks like fun.asing other peoples names from the closest to the pin and putting their own down, and fudging scores to win the tournament.

Nice mug guys. Looks like fun.

Nalga 1/21/2009 5:59:23 PM
Wanted: Dead or Alive.
Reason: Jackpotting the fund raiser and running off with the winnings.
Suspect: 'Placing' their long drive down the fairway, using 20+ mulligans when they didn't buy any, erasing other peoples names from the closest to the pin and putting their own down, and fudging scores to win the tournament.

Nice mug guys. Looks like fun.asing other peoples names from the closest to the pin and putting their own down, and fudging scores to win the tournament.

Nice mug guys. Looks like fun.

PeteG512 1/21/2009 4:58:42 PM
Look at those smiles

PeteG512 1/21/2009 4:58:42 PM
Look at those smiles

Pete-L 1/20/2009 10:25:03 AM
looks like you guys hada nice time!

Pete-L 1/20/2009 10:25:03 AM
looks like you guys hada nice time!

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