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Comments (13)

aumurray 12/20/2009 9:29:47 AM

roundyracer 1/14/2009 7:22:55 AM
Whats he worried about USA wins.

roundyracer 1/14/2009 7:22:55 AM
Whats he worried about USA wins.

adboom 1/13/2009 6:24:07 PM
In the Jan issue of Golf Mag, he is talking about playing in his upcoming tourney... He is a 1.4 handicap (same for quite a few years), and is speaking about having Freddie caddy for him. He states that even though his handicap is low, he is looking to shoot around 85. He said that if Justin Timberlake can break 100, he sure better do the same, if not he will put away his bag.hat even though his handicap is low, he is looking to shoot around 85. He said that if Justin Timberlake can break 100, he sure better do the same, if not he will put away his bag.

adboom 1/13/2009 6:24:07 PM
In the Jan issue of Golf Mag, he is talking about playing in his upcoming tourney... He is a 1.4 handicap (same for quite a few years), and is speaking about having Freddie caddy for him. He states that even though his handicap is low, he is looking to shoot around 85. He said that if Justin Timberlake can break 100, he sure better do the same, if not he will put away his bag.hat even though his handicap is low, he is looking to shoot around 85. He said that if Justin Timberlake can break 100, he sure better do the same, if not he will put away his bag.

PeteG512 1/13/2009 4:30:57 PM
He's chilin' at the Ryder Cup. It's cool to see that type of celebrity with the passion for the game of golf. Go MJ Go

PeteG512 1/13/2009 4:30:57 PM
He's chilin' at the Ryder Cup. It's cool to see that type of celebrity with the passion for the game of golf. Go MJ Go

busdriver 1/13/2009 3:19:22 PM
that would really be something else to just hang out with him and see what ie is really like without all the media

busdriver 1/13/2009 3:19:22 PM
that would really be something else to just hang out with him and see what ie is really like without all the media

Pete-L 1/13/2009 2:49:56 PM
what he's really saying is "dang Bradley, you don't look like you're 100!" :-)

Pete-L 1/13/2009 2:49:56 PM
what he's really saying is "dang Bradley, you don't look like you're 100!" :-)

bradley894 1/13/2009 2:07:32 PM
im thinking Michael is entertaining the thaught of changing to the stack and tilt... maybe thinking about joining a beanbag league after a long day. either way he oks like he is tuckerd out after a day outside in the fresh air.. the ground could never be so comfortable until after a long 18 hole walk.. i would love to stroll over and sit down next to him hand him a cold brew and bum smoke...y outside in the fresh air.. the ground could never be so comfortable until after a long 18 hole walk.. i would love to stroll over and sit down next to him hand him a cold brew and bum smoke...

bradley894 1/13/2009 2:07:32 PM
im thinking Michael is entertaining the thaught of changing to the stack and tilt... maybe thinking about joining a beanbag league after a long day. either way he oks like he is tuckerd out after a day outside in the fresh air.. the ground could never be so comfortable until after a long 18 hole walk.. i would love to stroll over and sit down next to him hand him a cold brew and bum smoke...y outside in the fresh air.. the ground could never be so comfortable until after a long 18 hole walk.. i would love to stroll over and sit down next to him hand him a cold brew and bum smoke...

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