Community  /  Photos  /  Photo: Me & my Caddy
taking a break.

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Comments (18)

HIGH_LANDER 3/17/2014 9:34:37 PM

bigal2039 5/27/2010 8:39:34 AM
great picture

aumurray 11/16/2009 9:31:17 AM
Nice times together

KeithBro 3/30/2009 12:36:18 AM
Nice pic.

badgolfergreg 1/13/2009 8:27:58 PM
Okay BigDawg, you're a mid 80's golfer, you're not likely to be on the tour. BUT, maybe you should caddy for the little gal there and by the time she's old enough maybe SHE cand be on the tour....and she'll need a good man on her bag. I bet dad would work cheap!she'll need a good man on her bag. I bet dad would work cheap!

badgolfergreg 1/13/2009 8:27:58 PM
Okay BigDawg, you're a mid 80's golfer, you're not likely to be on the tour. BUT, maybe you should caddy for the little gal there and by the time she's old enough maybe SHE cand be on the tour....and she'll need a good man on her bag. I bet dad would work cheap!she'll need a good man on her bag. I bet dad would work cheap!

GolfCrazed 1/13/2009 6:11:45 PM
nice pic.

GolfCrazed 1/13/2009 6:11:45 PM
nice pic.

PeteG512 1/13/2009 4:41:49 PM
Those are the moments that you will cherish

PeteG512 1/13/2009 4:41:49 PM
Those are the moments that you will cherish

busdriver 1/13/2009 1:31:37 PM
awwwh!!!! Bigdawg you got to frma that one

busdriver 1/13/2009 1:31:37 PM
awwwh!!!! Bigdawg you got to frma that one

Pete-L 1/13/2009 9:31:58 AM
great picture!

Pete-L 1/13/2009 9:31:58 AM
great picture!

NikeMojoGolfer 1/12/2009 9:46:57 PM
Great pic there BigDawg
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