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Motorcycle golf bag rack.jpg

10 Views   24 Likes   I like it!
Comments (16)

gj24 10/22/2011 7:22:08 AM
Very nice bike and great invention ~

HIGH_LANDER 10/21/2010 12:48:09 PM

bigal2039 5/5/2010 9:24:41 AM
good job

72Wannabe 3/25/2010 8:17:54 PM
great idea

aumurray 10/24/2009 8:47:04 AM
I like that!

KeithBro 3/27/2009 10:06:12 PM
Great golf cart!!!!!

RGainforth 1/13/2009 8:18:53 PM
that's one heck of a golf cart!

RGainforth 1/13/2009 8:18:53 PM
that's one heck of a golf cart!

NikeMojoGolfer 1/12/2009 9:41:34 PM
You might need a bag cover to keep your clubs in and the bugs off the clubs.

NikeMojoGolfer 1/12/2009 9:41:34 PM
You might need a bag cover to keep your clubs in and the bugs off the clubs.

busdriver 1/12/2009 5:12:03 PM
just get a side cart for them, they will be safer in there and out of the weather too!!

busdriver 1/12/2009 5:12:03 PM
just get a side cart for them, they will be safer in there and out of the weather too!!

foozlenut 1/11/2009 11:52:29 PM
Nice bike,love the bag rack

foozlenut 1/11/2009 11:52:29 PM
Nice bike,love the bag rack

PeteG512 1/11/2009 9:22:20 PM
Nice ride
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