Community  /  Photos  /  Photo: Tob rd Kelly 18.bmp
Ahh, Tobacco Road. My buddy Kelly here is of course wondering where the heck to hit the ball on the home hole.

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Comments (16)

HIGH_LANDER 11/23/2010 10:54:23 AM
WOW! Awesome Bunker's around the Green

aumurray 11/17/2009 7:25:12 AM
Hear good things about that course.

NikeMojoGolfer 12/10/2008 8:07:54 PM
hit a draw high and to the left, might drop within 15 feet of the hole....(wishful thinking for ya.

NikeMojoGolfer 12/10/2008 8:07:54 PM
hit a draw high and to the left, might drop within 15 feet of the hole....(wishful thinking for ya.

Linxman 12/9/2008 11:59:10 PM

Linxman 12/9/2008 11:59:10 PM

chrisjashley 12/9/2008 9:38:51 PM
Tobacco road is a must play for me this year.. Great picture

chrisjashley 12/9/2008 9:38:51 PM
Tobacco road is a must play for me this year.. Great picture

Jimidog 12/9/2008 8:47:21 PM
looks like a baby draw

Jimidog 12/9/2008 8:47:21 PM
looks like a baby draw

clgman001 12/9/2008 7:37:47 PM
I suggest the green.

clgman001 12/9/2008 7:37:47 PM
I suggest the green.

busdriver 12/9/2008 5:42:57 PM
maybe clear the left bunkers

busdriver 12/9/2008 5:42:57 PM
maybe clear the left bunkers

MarkNav 12/9/2008 3:51:34 PM
nice pic
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