Community  /  Photos  /  Photo: IMG_1001.JPG
2013 Maui, HI

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Comments (6)

HOGAN418 3/7/2014 4:17:42 PM
I'll take the guy in the boat shoes for 200, Bob.

JayPet 3/6/2014 7:30:02 AM
You're blocking the golf hole behind you. Can you guys each take a giant step to your right??

OtterMan08 3/6/2014 5:51:01 AM
Great group, hope you had fun! Welcome

njgolfer 3/5/2014 6:58:07 PM
Nice looking group.

HIGH_LANDER 3/5/2014 6:30:41 PM
Welcome 2 the site...Play well and score low.

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