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Second shot into #8 Diamond Springs. 478yd par 5. The ball is about 2.5 feet above my feet. Took a whack and moved it about 8 feet.

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Comments (8)

dmpcoco99 7/31/2013 12:31:15 PM
take it and run

car12old 6/8/2013 7:57:35 AM
Yes, 8 feet is a very good effort. I would have dropped it.

lpj0 6/3/2013 10:02:07 AM
8 feet seems impressive from that situation.

Racer888 6/3/2013 7:04:48 AM
tough leave.....

njgolfer 6/2/2013 7:04:02 PM
Oh my.

cogolfer1 6/2/2013 6:30:58 PM
That's not right

HIGH_LANDER 6/2/2013 6:05:20 PM
Nice Out! How did you play this sand shot?

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