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I hope this heals by this SFGT season. Table saw bit me.

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dmpcoco99 2/26/2013 12:32:20 PM
Had this happen to me the day before Easter. Not a pretty site and not a good feeling.

Vincedaddy 2/12/2013 10:31:43 PM
I work with table, miter, and band saws on a daily basis. If you let your guard down for a second.....
I hope you heal up well and quickly. I've never cut myself with a saw but have had two boards and a push stick kick back and hit me using the table saw. It's amazing how fast it happens, no time to react.

car12old 2/12/2013 8:54:11 AM
That's going to tingle for awhile.

Duckhunter 2/11/2013 11:28:53 AM
I was a butcher for 13 years. With more then 70 guys working there I have seen lots of cuts and even had a few. but only saw one close to this and it was not me.

Duckhunter 2/11/2013 11:26:10 AM
What your saw does not know what is wood and what is hand?? Hope it's not as bad as it looks here

HIGH_LANDER 2/9/2013 7:04:17 PM
OMG! OUCH! how are you doing now? wish you a fast recovery.God Bless you.

T LAVAN SHOEMAKER 2/9/2013 5:01:37 PM
i went to doc yesterday. she let ME clean it for bout half hour. She has patients and i told her to give me a shot at it. The gauze and blood had made pretty strong bond to my hand. Eboat, i could not have been more pleased at what i saw. Boy i was really apprehensive of what i MIGHT see.

cogolfer1 2/9/2013 9:33:12 AM
HOLY @#$%!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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