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I made a 100% commitment to the long putter in 20011 and used it exclusively for 2 years. These are the putting stats changes. I should point out that I also practiced my game, including putting, considerably during this time frame as well. To me this means that a certain perhaps unquantifiable amount of change is normal due to increased practice. A few of the numbers however are significant.
I'm going back to a 33" TaylorMade Ghost Spyder this year. We'll see how the numbers go then.

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Comments (10)

Duckhunter 1/7/2013 12:20:33 PM
good work

dmpcoco99 1/5/2013 5:19:57 PM
good luck, the long putter seems to help when switching back.

ParSeeker 1/5/2013 11:22:23 AM
Good luck with it Shoe.

Racer888 1/3/2013 7:11:05 AM
nice, hope the change works too....

HIGH_LANDER 1/2/2013 7:17:46 PM
I,can see that hard work really pays off...Nice going T.

Mark Simmons 1/2/2013 6:53:19 PM
I made the same commitment, albeit just 16 months ago, and saw a similar putts per round change. In my case from a shade under 30 to a shade over 28. IMO the more telling stat is average putts per GIR. More or fewer misses around the green can easily skew your overall putting stats.

Why are you switching if you are getting these results?

I've been putting with my hands away from my body for 7 months now with no problems or repercussions. Have you tried that?

car12old 1/2/2013 8:12:16 AM
Good luck, hope it works for you. At well over six foot I can't imagine a 33" putter. Mine is 35", I am currently looking for a better putter. Being a lefty sure does limit the choices. Here's to a super 2013!

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