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Before A STorm

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Comments (17)

dmpcoco99 6/18/2012 6:42:36 PM

Duckhunter 6/13/2012 2:23:58 PM
Good day to only play the 19th hole

alstaxi 6/12/2012 4:23:42 PM

Mark Simmons 6/12/2012 12:52:12 AM
Depends on where you live. Here in the Bay Area the worst you can expect is a little drizzle. Back in the mid-west where I grew up you may be 30 seconds from a downpour!

heclaisland 6/11/2012 7:21:57 PM
Carl Spackler says to keep on playing

HIGH_LANDER 6/11/2012 6:42:07 PM
the swingdye,has it help you with your swing?

HIGH_LANDER 6/11/2012 6:41:38 PM
i,cee the swingdye aid

cogolfer1 6/11/2012 6:36:07 PM
"You better come in until this blows over. So what do you think? I'd keep playing, I don't think the heavy stuff is coming in for a while. You're right. Anyway, the Good Lord would never disrupt the best game of my life...... I'm infallible young fellow! C'mon, one more hole!" (Struck by lightning, left for dead)

OtterMan08 6/11/2012 7:58:20 AM
Time to grab Toto and head for home!

car12old 6/11/2012 7:48:16 AM
Did you call it quits?

Racer888 6/11/2012 6:24:10 AM
looks nasty

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