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Comments (9)

dmpcoco99 1/15/2012 7:33:06 PM
cool shot

Duckhunter 1/9/2012 4:59:24 PM
good bye fairway

PISC 1/9/2012 8:48:19 AM
very cool

RiverfrontFrank 1/8/2012 9:20:54 AM
Well what do you expect? The deer were there first and then they had there woods bulldozed out from around them. This is common in VA (more common then I thought.) I love in Southeastern VA and we have a small herd of deer roaming our course and I think it is cool. They were larger and were mostly thinned out through traffic accidents.

armygrunt47 1/7/2012 10:50:08 PM
The owner of my home course just aquired a course in VA that is infested with deer. It is on 150 ac and inside the city limits. We are trying to get the permits to thin out the herd a little so that they wont mess up the course too bad but right now it looks like we are going to have to use all archery equipment.

Mark Simmons 1/7/2012 10:32:59 PM
We've got a couple of local courses that have deer as a regular feature. One is Deep Cliff and they are always hanging around the 5th and 6th holes. Another is Willow where after the first hole you'd think you were miles away from any civilization.

We also have a course where red tail fox are a permanent fixture.

HIGH_LANDER 1/7/2012 7:40:14 PM
Nice Shot!

armygrunt47 1/7/2012 7:14:55 PM
Looks like a target rich environment to me.

alstaxi 1/7/2012 7:12:01 PM
Professional Champion

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