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Made a hole in one today. My buddy grabbed the flag. Made using a Dixon Golf Ball. 137 yards with a 9 iron.

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firecapt60 8/9/2011 2:26:26 PM
Congrats!!!!!!! Now to start working on number two.

dmpcoco99 8/2/2011 10:37:53 AM
most excellent

PISC 8/2/2011 9:44:21 AM
Awesome congrats!

HIGH_LANDER 8/1/2011 9:05:44 PM

LindseyM 8/1/2011 2:58:53 PM
i was just about to say How in the hell did you get Bucks flag, LOL Then I saw the date and course.
Congrats on the HIO!

Racer888 8/1/2011 10:08:46 AM

BUCKNUT 8/1/2011 7:01:41 AM
HELL OF A SHOT!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't snatch mine they gave it to me after I asked the manager. I'm a member there and go there all the time so they would of known who took it since it was during a tourny and 1/2 the people in the tourny was waiting for free drinks at the clubhouse by the time we finished! lol. Mine was last Sunday also on the 17th, gonna have to put a pic of it on here soon as I get the Shadow box for it made!

OtterMan08 8/1/2011 6:53:38 AM
That's the way to end the month, NICE SHOT!!!

WileyC 8/1/2011 5:39:13 AM
Congratulations Matthew

cogolfer1 7/31/2011 11:51:18 PM
Congrats!!! Buck and Lewis already know about snatching the HIO flag.

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