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These guys are everywhere on the courses in Puerto Rico.

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Comments (12)

ShaunCrawford 3/21/2011 8:37:47 AM
I won't get too close to him! LOL

Duckhunter 3/18/2011 11:24:23 AM
very cool looking

72Wannabe 3/17/2011 10:10:02 PM
tastes like chicken

dmpcoco99 3/17/2011 11:38:08 AM
very cool

HIGH_LANDER 3/16/2011 8:49:27 PM
Nice picture

bradley894 3/16/2011 8:46:16 PM
they dont last long close to water in the states.. down south we have Gators. up north Muskies

cogolfer1 3/16/2011 7:07:35 PM
Cool creature

ParSeeker 3/16/2011 6:29:45 PM
a big iggy!

Marv8 3/16/2011 6:11:45 PM
Freaky looking but lizards are cool

txgal72 3/16/2011 4:19:34 PM
Yeah they are cool - check out my photos - we were there in December and got some pretty ones

PeteG512 3/16/2011 9:35:43 AM
Watch out with that tail, one swing and it's going to hurts real bad

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