Community  /  Photos  /  Photo: Desert Canyon
Hybrid shot to green

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Comments (18)

Peter Shelton 4/10/2011 8:17:51 PM
Thanks all, desert canyon is a great course :)

ShaunCrawford 1/29/2011 5:43:08 PM
Hey, barkeep... I'm feeling tipsy! <g>

DavidHagen 1/27/2011 11:29:39 PM
Nice view

dmpcoco99 1/25/2011 5:50:29 PM
a different point of view

mtags 1/24/2011 5:46:53 PM
That's one heck of an uphill lie.

Duckhunter 1/24/2011 11:29:21 AM
Hope you don't fall over

72Wannabe 1/24/2011 11:07:53 AM
that is one heck of a slope you are standing on!

itbeZ 1/24/2011 10:15:44 AM
Nice pic .......

PeteG512 1/24/2011 9:20:19 AM
Nice action shot

PISC 1/24/2011 7:41:36 AM
Great picture!

LindseyM 1/23/2011 8:50:26 PM
interesting camera angle

KeithBro 1/23/2011 12:00:32 PM
Awesome view.

gj24 1/23/2011 6:58:29 AM
Beautiful looking place~

cogolfer1 1/22/2011 8:59:00 PM
Great view

Marv8 1/22/2011 8:48:39 PM
Awesome scenery, tough uphill lie
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