Community  /  Photos  /  Photo: Alta Sierra CC 18th fairway
Finishing 9 on January 17, 2011 at Alta Sierra CC near Grass Valley, California. Shot with iPhone 4. Un-retouched. Temperature around 50 degrees F. Golf brothers Chuck Kull and Tom Holdrege sharing the view with me.

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Comments (19)

PISC 1/24/2011 8:00:54 AM
How sweet is that pic!

dmpcoco99 1/23/2011 7:31:11 PM

ShaunCrawford 1/23/2011 7:01:55 PM

KeithBro 1/23/2011 1:16:05 PM
Awesome Pic.

OtterMan08 1/21/2011 12:25:26 PM
any chance you posted that in a larger format somewhere? Photobucket maybe... Would love to add that to my background rotation. Spectacular Shot!!!

BUCKNUT 1/21/2011 10:46:19 AM
Nice pic!

Nalga 1/19/2011 11:49:59 PM
Now that's a picture worth posting. Thanks.

ParSeeker 1/19/2011 8:00:15 PM
beautiful picture!

Marv8 1/19/2011 6:49:53 PM
That is a painting in real life form! AWESOME

PeteG512 1/19/2011 12:21:32 PM
Spectacular view

Duckhunter 1/19/2011 9:03:06 AM
A few decoys and I would feel right at home

ScottSorrell 1/18/2011 9:30:54 PM
Awesome pic. That ranks up there with some of DiamondDaves! I live on the East Coast, so we get the Sunrise, but I'm never up early enough to get a pic!LOL

72Wannabe 1/18/2011 7:53:57 PM
very nice catch

thejosephgerber 1/18/2011 6:55:24 PM
Nice end to a round.

HIGH_LANDER 1/18/2011 6:27:37 PM
Awesome Color's,Great View
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