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i support the flat tax because I'm flat broke!

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howasam 12/9/2010 5:53:15 PM
squidbillies is a cartoon on the cartoon network about 1 am or so in the morning. its so dang stupid that its funny. but if you really pay attention to what they say, and the pronounciations of the words then its absolutely hillarious! you all ought to check it out sometimes when your lying awake late at night trying to figure out why you can't make 3 footers! lol

dmpcoco99 12/9/2010 11:04:56 AM
funny, not a new concept

Duckhunter 12/9/2010 9:48:04 AM
I'm getting closer every day.

PeteG512 12/9/2010 7:33:22 AM
I'm also Flat broke, but a flat tax makes absolutley no SENSE!!!

ShaunCrawford 12/9/2010 3:50:17 AM
It is funny, but realistically, a flat tax is one of the WORST ideas out there to reform our tax code. Does our tax code need reform? Absolutely! Is the flat tax the answer? Absolutely not!

Why not? To put it in its most Lanconic form, it's a REGRESSIVE tax, meaning that it hurts the poor DISPORTIONATELY compared to the rich.

Flat tax supporters will cry foul and say that whatever percentage they are currently enamoured with (let's pretend it's 10%, for mathematical simplicity) will affect everyone by the same amount, but if you make $30,000/year, paying $3,000 in taxes, per annum will hurt you much more than if you make $1,000,000/year and owing $100,000 in taxes, per annum.

The other part of this equation that is often left-unsaid is that a TRUE flat tax would radically change the lives of the improvished and the middle classes as they know it.

Mortgage deduction? Gone
College tuition deduction? Gone
Student loan interest deduction? Gone
Child care tax credit? Gone
So on and on forth.

As a result, most flat tax proposals WISELY still allow for some income to be exempt from tax (think of it as your standard deduction on your tax forms, now), but even then, it's still regressive in nature.

The flat tax benefits only those who are wealthy enough to enjoy the chasm between the rich and the poor, the haves and the have-nots widening. George Bush, John Kerry, and Steve Forbes won't get hurt. (I know Forbes is the only one linked to the flat tax proposal, I'm just using the other 2 as economic examples.) They'll still be able to afford every advantage for their children and grandchildren.

Joe Q. Public, though that dreams of scraping together enough money to put his children into private schools to improve their educational quality and help them get into a more prestigious college/university? He's screwed, for lack of a better word.

Any questions?

72Wannabe 12/8/2010 8:31:32 PM
thats funny

HIGH_LANDER 12/8/2010 7:45:41 PM

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