Community  /  Photos  /  Photo: Stracka Phx. #008
Afterwards, we had a food spread of Big Ole' hamburgers, chips, pasta salad and free beverages non-alch to go with our free sleave of Callaway Warbirds, and $20 gift cards to Golfsmith. All part of our entry. Nicely organized, and had a fun group of 19 players.

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Comments (9)

ShaunCrawford 2/16/2011 11:22:02 AM
Wow.... very nice event!

dmpcoco99 11/18/2010 4:03:46 PM
nicely done

72Wannabe 11/17/2010 9:28:22 PM
sounds nice

PeteG512 11/17/2010 3:20:01 PM
Where's the In-and-Out Burgers???

bigal2039 11/16/2010 4:18:33 PM

Duckhunter 11/16/2010 9:56:09 AM
Lots of good things here

txgal72 11/15/2010 12:20:54 PM
Looks like a nice place for a tourney

HIGH_LANDER 11/15/2010 11:11:38 AM
Nice Picture,Nice Lunch
Professional Champion

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