Community  /  Photos  /  Photo: Fairview Golf Course 2.jpg
I haven't played in over 4 and a half months because I am in Afghanistan. I have just over 2 months till I get home....It may be 10 degrees when I get home, but I hope to hit a few balls to find my swing again.

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Comments (11)

72Wannabe 11/2/2010 7:34:55 PM
hope you get home safe and hit alot of balls!

dmpcoco99 10/30/2010 1:42:41 PM
good job

Joe Schock 10/30/2010 12:36:56 AM
Thanks everyone, I really appreaciate the kind words. This will be my last deployment....I will be retirering after 26 years of military service. (thats why I started playing golf ;))

ParSeeker 10/29/2010 9:01:56 PM
Thank you. Hope you get to hit a LOT of balls when you return.

ShaunCrawford 10/29/2010 5:59:35 PM
Sorry about the deployment... stay safe!

Duckhunter 10/29/2010 9:09:08 AM
Best of luck to you, Thanks for what you do for us.

PISC 10/29/2010 8:42:09 AM
Nice silohuette, thanks for your service, come home safe!

HIGH_LANDER 10/29/2010 7:29:46 AM
nice picture,Thank You,come home safe.

PeteG512 10/29/2010 7:06:39 AM
Thank you for your service and return home safe and sound

foozlenut 10/29/2010 5:44:00 AM
take care and come home safe

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