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Comments (14)

72Wannabe 12/5/2010 6:36:23 PM
nice swing

Duckhunter 10/25/2010 8:37:19 AM
nice photo

ByeByeBirdie 10/23/2010 12:39:16 PM
Looks like a beautiful golf course.

howasam 10/23/2010 9:35:11 AM
good backswing

ShaunCrawford 10/23/2010 8:25:11 AM
Hit it like you mean it!

ParSeeker 10/22/2010 8:57:26 PM
From the club flex it looks like it's going back?

dmpcoco99 10/22/2010 7:25:10 PM
very nice

txgal72 10/22/2010 12:23:02 PM
beautiful course

dewsweeper 10/22/2010 8:24:54 AM
This is a down swing wasn't it ? Loks like your weight is shifted to the left already.
If it's a take away, you should shift most weight to the right , if it's a down swing you had released already with no hinge nor lag remaining into the impact.

PeteG512 10/22/2010 8:09:19 AM
Nice backswing position

HIGH_LANDER 10/22/2010 6:58:28 AM
nice swing,Great View

Howard Chung Yee Ho 10/22/2010 4:25:30 AM
Thanks! It was still a swing in progress then and I've improved on it since. Oh, the ball position looks away back from the camera angle. It was close to my left heel.

cogolfer1 10/22/2010 1:55:10 AM
Nice take away

LindseyM 10/21/2010 11:44:57 PM
maybe its me or the angle of the pic, but that looks a little back in your stance for the driver.

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