Community  /  Photos  /  Photo: Buffer Park 1st tee
Getting ready to tee off on Tuesday. Got the Fredrik Jacobson look goin' on...

Great course, by the way. Buffer Park GC in Indianapolis. Phenomenal shape!

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Comments (10)

72Wannabe 9/18/2010 9:50:06 PM
nice form

dmpcoco99 9/18/2010 11:22:36 AM
nice job

ShaunCrawford 9/18/2010 7:13:59 AM
and thar she goes!

howasam 9/17/2010 11:04:02 PM
looking spiffy Bro!

cogolfer1 9/17/2010 8:04:44 PM
Grip it and rip it!

ByeByeBirdie 9/17/2010 6:07:17 PM
I like the setup.

Duckhunter 9/17/2010 10:57:09 AM
Have fun

Pete-L 9/17/2010 10:38:38 AM
give that ball a ride!

HIGH_LANDER 9/17/2010 9:48:56 AM
nice set-up...looks good

PeteG512 9/17/2010 9:46:03 AM
Nice setup to the ball

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