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El Saucito 2010

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Comments (28)

Addictedtugolf 8/26/2010 12:17:17 PM
Sexiest Caddies ever....

sdwncm99 8/24/2010 7:42:18 PM
I think i'll have a Tecate...lime too

howasam 8/24/2010 7:12:06 PM
a nice pair of ladies......... do they speak english?????? as if it matters! lol

bigal2039 8/24/2010 4:23:07 PM
nice pair

slingshotg 8/24/2010 3:11:40 PM
i like a variety of puppies

dmpcoco99 8/24/2010 2:05:06 PM
nice pic

ricktaw0404 8/23/2010 4:35:15 PM
Bam chicka wow wham!

jerome007 8/23/2010 3:48:10 PM
Eye-chee-wha-wha .

Newpau 8/23/2010 11:48:10 AM

ricktaw0404 8/23/2010 11:06:45 AM
Kinda Hard.... to keep your head down!

ScottSorrell 8/23/2010 11:04:42 AM
let arizona see this pic, I bet they will change their new law!!!!!

Pete-L 8/23/2010 10:45:49 AM
there you go!

Duckhunter 8/23/2010 10:01:16 AM
Now we are talking. My eyes would be looking down at those nice ones

PISC 8/23/2010 8:37:48 AM
Nice Pic! Now it is time to concetrate on hitting the ball!

PeteG512 8/23/2010 8:29:24 AM
Those a real beauties you got there
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