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Comments (12)

dmpcoco99 8/20/2010 6:19:21 PM
how high are the bunkers.. that high

PISC 8/16/2010 9:08:19 AM
Where is this? Is this a world 18 course? Awesome rainbow!

ByeByeBirdie 8/15/2010 11:49:16 AM
That is one nasty-looking bunker!

cogolfer1 8/14/2010 11:06:37 AM
That's one massive bunker

Marv8 8/14/2010 12:26:13 AM
I hope you raked that when you got out of it

ShaunCrawford 8/13/2010 11:05:44 PM
That's why they are known as coffin bunkers... I can hear the nails being pounded in as we speak...

jerome007 8/13/2010 9:25:58 PM
"Get out of my way codger , I'm try to hit "

72Wannabe 8/13/2010 7:53:22 PM
nice pic but i hope you werent hitting that bunker shot

HIGH_LANDER 8/13/2010 2:22:16 PM
wow! deep bunker

PeteG512 8/13/2010 12:23:40 PM
You cannot see the green from that bunker

Duckhunter 8/13/2010 11:41:28 AM
That is a big time bunker
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