Community  /  Photos  /  Photo: GreatLye.jpg

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Comments (17)

ShaunCrawford 2/9/2011 4:00:32 AM

HIGH_LANDER 10/30/2010 6:02:30 PM
good luck

bigal2039 1/24/2010 8:21:48 AM
tough luck

dmpcoco99 1/14/2010 7:37:22 PM
tough lie

hackmasterpro 1/11/2010 4:14:16 PM
are you SURE thats my ball?? I don't see my mark on it

PISC 1/11/2010 12:04:37 PM
Is that my ball?

Duckhunter 1/11/2010 9:24:51 AM
Go for it. You can make that shot.

GolfCrazed 1/10/2010 12:56:07 PM
gonna be a tough shot

mojo69 1/9/2010 8:23:32 PM
I know this feeling.

gj24 1/9/2010 8:03:03 PM
Thats just bad luck there~

patch5 1/9/2010 4:11:00 PM

72Wannabe 1/9/2010 2:14:00 PM
she's got the right idea...poke it out

slingshotg 1/9/2010 11:01:27 AM
not good

ScottSorrell 1/9/2010 10:15:24 AM
Time to get creative. Give me a beer and a five iron. I could think of something!

aumurray 1/9/2010 10:07:53 AM
oh....that is a bad break.
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