Community  /  Photos  /  Photo: Rorschach GLF #1
My first golf painting. I just sold a limited print to a large architectural firm in Tampa this weekend and have two more orders being mailed to the East Coast this week.

I have finished 4 paintings thus far and am working on something special for the 2018 US Open.

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Comments (6)

HIGH_LANDER 10/7/2017 6:53:46 PM
Outstanding, can I, get a discount? thanks

dmpcoco99 9/7/2017 4:57:38 PM
no shade

njgolfer 8/31/2017 11:59:55 AM
When I take off my glasses it is just a blur.

LyinLewis 8/31/2017 7:35:32 AM
One lady said the painting was phallic.

LyinLewis 8/31/2017 7:34:50 AM
I did have one guy swear that it was a painting of islands. Yet another person saw bugs.


JayPet 8/31/2017 6:06:49 AM
I see dead people

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